I haven’t “officially” been diagnosed with CKD however I have been to the oncologist who ordered quite a bit of bloodwork. In November my gfr was 58. 4 weeks later it was 51. 6 days later it is now 34. Within those 6 day my creatinine level went from 1.1 to 1.6. What could cause this drastic of an increase/decrease? I was being referred to a Nephrologist but she was going to contact me. I suppose after she received all of my bloodwork. Hopefully I will hear from her. I also had a full body scan and there were changes in my bones. One especially noticed around my ovary. Other issues with my back. It was recommended for an MRI for L1 and definitely my thoracic area. I see the oncologist on Christmas Eve of all days. Previous bloodwork has been all over the place. She said that can be a sign of some malignancy even though my RBC has always been normal. It’s my metabolic panel that constantly changes from high/low to normal and then back to high/low. Has anyone else experienced anything like this? None of my friends want to talk about it and they brush it off and say “well maybe the numbers are or it’s all going to be ok”. A gfr with that sudden of a drop and amount scares me. How fast am I going to end up in level 4? Thanks for listening.
Drastic drop in gfr numbers: I haven’t... - Kidney Disease
Drastic drop in gfr numbers

Hello, I am no doctor but I just wanted to share what I know.
I occasionally eat apricot kernels. My friend, who had advanced prostate cancer more than a decade ago, attributes his cure to eating these kernels (10/day) all these years. He says it has helped several of his friends with cancer to recover.
Kernels contain a substance called Amygdalin, and there is some controversy about it. Interestingly, this substance can also help with chronic kidney disease. This paper makes a case for this:
'Amygdalin inhibits renal fibrosis in chronic kidney disease'
My friend says it's important the kernels be freshly cracked (like a couple of days old), NOT BE HEAT TREATED, and taste hard and bitter (like marzipan). Preferably, the kernels should be refrigerated until consumed. We're based in Australia and purchase kernels online from chitree.com.au. However, Chitree are out of kernels until February. There are sellers of organic apricot kernels on EBay.
But just don't take my word for it. Do your research. You may also find some first-hand testimonies and engage with people in this Facebook group:
'I'm taking Apricot Kernels' - Public Facebook Group
All the best and God bless you!
My gfr dropped rapidly as well from 57 to 32 in one month. Not sure why changed my diet and its remained at 43 for the last year. Gfr fluctuates accord to hydration as well as protein intake and many other things. Try not to worry and wait to hear what your doctor said. All your bloodwork numbers are figured in on the equation.

Hi Dragonfly,
Nothing is more scary than waiting upon the diagnoses of a medical issue. We here do not diagnose, but walk with you through your journey. Be persistent with the doctors and ask questions. There are so many things that are taken into account when diagnosing anything, especially CKD.
About your friends. This is not uncommon. But you need to really analyze the friends who do not want to talk about something so important to you. People are uncomfortable but there should be some who are there for you and will at least listen. Start your conversation with, " I just need someone to listen to me, not fix me."
We are here for you.
Thanks for your words of encouragement. I don’t really tell my friends anymore about any physical situation going on with my life. I had to have plates and screws put in my foot in September and to this day the only person who knows is my friend who I work for. Summer of 2018 I broke my right foot as well as the bottom of my ankle bone on my left foot. I had my first surgery on my right food in June to put in screws and then my second surgery 4 weeks later to remove the piece of bone that broke off as well as having a cadaver tendon put in to tighten my ankle back up. The first 4 weeks I was on crutches and a knee scooter. For the remaining 6 weeks I was in a wheelchair, unable to walk. During those 10 weeks I didn’t have one friend text me email me or visit. I chose not to tell anyone when I had plates and screws put in to fuse several bones in my right foot. I couldn’t take another 3 months of setting myself up for disappointment and hurt and wondering who my friends really are. Now my kidneys are going crazy and I have precancerous esophaguses. Sometimes it’s a little overwhelming to ME with all of this happening in 4 months. I couldn’t imagine how it will all work out much less telling rattling things off. And I will be getting the plates and screws removed because they are causing a lot of constant pain. My kids—21 & 25 know nothing about any of this except my surgery in September to put in the plates and screws. They don’t need to have to worry about me when I don’t have all the answers. It’s not their job to worry about what might or might not be. We will tell them when we have answers and a plan. Thanks for listening to me ramble on. 😊
Your story is eerily familiar to me. In 2013 I broke 2 bones in my ankle. I was already diabetic as my mother had been and my father died of kidney failure. The ankle would not heal. I had 3 surgeries. After months of doctors and nurses saying I did not have an infection, they finall said I did. At that point my kidneys were fine but after the final surgery, I had 6 weeks of 2 IV antibiotics. That caused me to become so dehydrated from diarrhea that my kidney function dropped very significantly after losing 15 pounds in 6 weeks.
At the time I asked for opioids because it slowed the diarrhea, but it was not prescribed and no one told me about the plant based probiotic Florastor which is very helpful.
If you have been on a significant course of antibiotics, it is possible that this contributed to your loss of kidney function. If so, speak up!