Hi All 👋
I’ve recently found out my Gfr is 40 , dropped 16 points since this time last year . (I’m 42 ) However it took my doctors a year to realise my previous Gfr results of 56- DONT ask how ! Retested same lab. Sent for a scan of kidneys 2 weeks ago. Left K has a kidney stone . Right K is significantly enlarged and has a blockage. My doctor was surprised by results ( initially thought my chemo in the past had damaged my kidneys). So now I’m on a cancer fast track. It’s been crazy as my initial medical attention was due to , pain in groin, back and hip (hip specifically left ) coming up to a year and very large fibroids coming up to 2 years.
Yet to see kidney doctors , but have consultation with urology in 2 weeks due to fast track . Other than a spell with cancer in my 20’s I am/ was physically fit, work out x 3-4 weekly and try to eat healthy other than having a sweet tooth. So all these medical problems in the last 18 months have been something . Any advice/ support would be appreciated .