May is Mental Health Awareness Month. Learn more about 8 simple practices to manage kidney disease stress and mental health.
May is Mental Health Awareness Month - Kidney Disease
May is Mental Health Awareness Month
I read though the suggestions and all though nice, they are not what is needed. There needs to be much more direct mental support for CKD patients, especially at end stage, dialysis and transplant. And although the "techniques" mentioned are great, they are a panacea. The issue is there is not enough direct support with mental health. There is not enough training done with med techs and nurses on the trauma that is part of going on dialysis or getting a transplant. The money is not forth coming because it is not profitable. Therefore, patients slip though the web and struggle to survive with depression and even suicide. Want to see a change? Then pay for clinic visits with a mental health counselor. I had to laugh with the list when I think of how many people get up at 4am to do home hemo to get to work on time and then come home and take care of their family. And then set up their equipment for the next day. When would you like them to schedule a painting class?
Thank you for your suggestions. While you make some valid points, please keep in mind these techniques were posted as a means to alleviate a few stresses some might endure while navigating kidney disease. We absolutely agree with seeking therapeutic professional consultation and assistance should breathing techniques, community support engagements and painting classes not suffice.
Great suggestions. Exercise eating healthy and being outdoors have been life savers for me. For those looking for counseling support you might check with your insurance. Mine just sent out an update the other day stating telehealth mental health counseling is available.