ive noticed a a shift in how often i go.there àre days where i hardly do anything even with drinking a good amount of water.then theres days i cant stay out of the bathroom.kicker is im on a water pill.is that normal for 3b?
curious: ive noticed a a shift in how often i... - Kidney Disease

Be thankful for the days that you do make urine. At least that says that your kidneys are somewhat functioning the way they should. I did some Google searching and this what I found. Anuria, sometimes called anuresis, refers to the lack of urine production. This can happen as a result of conditions like shock, severe blood loss and failure of your heart or kidneys. It can also be due to medications or toxins. Anuria is an emergency and can be life-threatening.

thank you for the information.its what i figured..i have chronic heart failure so...here we go.youve been a big help

Making urine is not as simple as water in and water out for some. If you were to go a couple of days without peeing, then I would be very concerned. The fact you are on a water pill suggests that you have fluid issues, and this might be your norm. Please mention it to the doctor.
already messaged him hopefully hear back soon.water pill normally makes me hit the bathroom running all the time but lately no.
In addition to what others have said, some diabetics also get "neurogenic bladder", where the bladder simply doesn't sense very well that it's full. When urine stays there too long, it's known as diabetic urinary retention. This, of course, then can lead to utis. My hubby has this, it's not uncommon. Yet, it took a very long time to get this diagnosed. Thankfully, he doesn't need to cath himself (a common protocol), he keeps things flowing by using a cranberry probiotic and spending some time in the bathroom. Diuretics can also be used to force urination.
im already on a water pill and most of my bp meds are also diuretics
Stage 3b kidney disease caused by MGRS. BOne biopsy tomorrow. Uncontrollable high BP. I find when I try to take a diuretic, any diuretic, it makes things worse and I stop making water. Stop the diuretic, I pee fine.
This was happening to me, accompanied by some uretha pain and the non-productive urge to 'go' . After doing a culture my doctor started treating me for UTI. This didn't surprise me because they're much like my husband's symptoms when he gets a UTI. So far I'm much better (no pain and more urine).

When I had my transplant, my daughters' gave me a "Pee Party", because I was finally having no problems urinating! Pre-transplant after getting up in the morning, there were days I didn't pee again until the afternoon. Make sure you have no sign of a UTI, because that can cause this type of problem too