I was diagnosed with 3aCKD about 3 moths ago. A recent blood test resulted in a 3b. That was posted on my portal but the doctor never called so I am wondering if 3b means my condition is worsening? I will also call the nephrologist too. This is all very scary to me. So many conflicting things about what I should eat. Will meet with a dietician today in hopes she can help determine a healthy diet.
Question about stages: I was diagnosed with... - Kidney Disease
Question about stages

Yes you may find limited help from doctors, at least at stage 3. But you're right to seek to address via a relevant nutritional & lifestyle protocol - although I'd personally question dieticians (see my reply to separate post today: "Dieticians".The good news is that, at stage 3, it's reported that the risk of later-stage medical interventions eg dialysis, is minimised. Link available if you want me to send.
So key to maintain or better stage 3 via a personalised nutrition & lifestyle protocol.
Hi, I could use that link. I think you might have sent me other info that was very informative. I thank you for that. I saw my neph today and he is very happy that I have been maintaining 3b and all other labs are normal. I again asked about a personalized dietitian and you are right…..they have zero info.
stages are based on eGfr so answer is yes

Check out kidneyschool.org Oodles of information to help educate and reduce confusion and fear.
I have had the same concerns Re: What foods to eat and portion size. It’s all very confusing. I am now looking for someone that can help me with meal planning. If you have gone from 3a to 3B, then it sounds like you have declined somewhat. Definitely need to find a good nutritional therapist. I have ready of many people whose kidney function has improved through diet and exercise. I have found that I am my own best advocate. I am doing my own research. It is very concerning that so many individuals either found their own kidney disease, or were not informed by their doctor that their renal function was declining. Best to you.
Do you know what your creatinine readings were on the two blood tests that were used to determine your stage. You could have been GFR 45 on the earlier test and GFR 44 on the following test which would mean you went from stage 3a to 3b. Just a small change in creatinine can make difference. I've had times where my creatinine for example was 2.3 and three months later was 2.6. I ask my Neph what the deal is with that and he says that there could easily be .3 variation error in lab tests like that. A reading of 2.3 would be a GFR of 30 (stage 3b) and a reading of 2.6 would be a GFR of 26 (stage 4).