i recently ran into an aeyurvedic page on facebook claiming to cure kidney disease with a fruit and herb diet charging 2500 to 5000 dollars a session.i got into it with the sites admin.was i in the wrong?
am i wrong?: i recently ran into an... - Kidney Disease
am i wrong?

I've read this article from Johns Hopkins and would say that this form of holistic medicine is used by many people for many diseases but maybe not under that name. It's been known that a healthy diet and the proper gut flora is important. One of the first things in the article is it starts with internal cleansing. Someone else in this group posted a while back that they read or heard about a person that was treating their CKD with enemas. I have been using them all my life and currently flush my colon once a week. The autoimmune disease I contracted in 2017 caused me to have end stage kidney disease. I am now at stage 3b. I am very thankful that my disease has improved that much and even though I don't watch my diet as much as I should, I think that the cleansings have helped. hopkinsmedicine.org/health/...

im glad for you that you moved up like that but these people waved a false cure in front of everyones noses and that ticked me off
Everybody is different and they do what they think is best for them. It's been pointed out on here that this is not the place to get diagnosed or treatment. It's people sharing their experiences and what they think has helped them. Yes, you should always use a professional physician for Dx and treatment. I've seen my nephrologist every 3 months for the past 5 years and he is my saviour. I used to have a Facebook account and was a member of several groups including a CKD group and a group for my autoimmune disease. It's crazy the kinds of advice and tips you get from different people, including me.

If there was such a perfect cure don't you think the world would know about it? And to charge that much money....run, do not walk away from that.
Diet is very important and can be a game changer. But using a good and well-educated renal dietician is the right path. I hope you did not spend the money.
no i asked the admin if they truly had the cure why were they charging so much for it and he blew up.said it was my mindset and that their cure was proven.i dont have access to that kind of cash
Even though I believe diet is a huge factor in kidney disease, I was always told there is no cure. Yes certain protocols can improve kidney function. I personally think, you did the right thing. So from me its a well done.

You shold report them as scam artists. Most folks should know better, but there will be desperate people who will get hosed by them.
Depending on the cause of you CKD, diet can prolong the health of the kidneys and in general the overall health. THERE IS NO CURE.
I have staved off dialysis for almost five years now. But inevitably, my kidneys will crap out completely on me no matter what I do. But for now, I do everything I can to slow that future from coming and it has worked. No meat, no processed foods, very very low protein and lots of organic veggies. I do eat pasta and once in a while cheese. ( which is technically a no no,but something has to give) Has it worked? Yup , will it for everyone? Nope. Just do the best you can and see a renal dietician. I have worked with one for four years.

There are scammers all over. If there was a cure for CKD the NKF would certainly know about it. Wish it really was that easy!
I love fruit and veggies, if I could cure the damage ckd has cause to my kidneys by eating more of them, I'd be ecstatic. Instead I have been assembling my medical team with a primary care doc, a wonderful nephrologist, and a renal dietician. It would have been far more fun to go to the farmer's market.
We are all different. That is why a renal dietician needs to see your labs and come up with a diet that is just for you.
Once your kidneys are damaged there is no cure. You can make some improvement in your blood levels by sticking to a kidney friendly diet and many have been able to stabilize those labs.
If i had a cure for CKD, I'd be asking a LOT more than $5000!
I've seen an ayurvedic doctor and he didn't charge nowhere near that much. Ayurvedic is a valid and proven eastern medicine, especially in conjunction with western medicine. But, it's not all about food. While food is one factor there are many other ones to follow for it to have an impact on health issues. JMHO but stay away from FB medicine.