My doctors say GRF of 42-43 is due to having 1 kidney and my numbers are stable.
Has anyone had a transplant and a GRF of 42? - Kidney Disease
Has anyone had a transplant and a GRF of 42?

Think I would be looking for a new doctor if I were you! I have had a transplant. My native kidneys have shrunk so much that doctors can't even find them on a scan. So, I have one functioning kidney - my transplant. I have normal eGFR and a creatinine of 0.9.There are a lot of people that are born with only one kidney and live a completely normal life. Need to find out why your eGFR is in the 40's. It is not normal.
Take care...
I trust my team and feel great but thought after 6 months it should be higher. Will question again. I am also on entestro for previous heart issues. Made sense since 90-60 is the norm for 2 and I have one kidney.
My hubby has a transplant and his GFR is around 50, give or take. He received his transplant almost a year ago to date. The closer the match of the new kidney to a person's biology the higher the GFR will be. In my hubby's case, he received a kidney with complications (donor was middle aged, deceased for a time, and had health conditions) and the match was in the average (not perfect) range. Basically, he received a "cleaned up" kidney that in prior years was likely discarded. These often go to older folks like my hubby-then 71. Of course, the age of the donor kidney also matters a lot too. The younger the donor, the better the function. Also, the closer the match, the less immunosuppressants are needed which are hard on the body. For my hubby, his transplant center is pleased with his outcome. They closely follow his creatinine (not so much GFR) which for him, should always be in the 1.3 to 1.7 range for the type and match of kidney he received. For some, this would raise flags but, for my hubby, it's all okay.
In your case, you have one kidney of your own. Depending on your age and conditions, having a GFR in the 40s range may be fine in my personal opinion. Bear in mind GFR gradually declines with age, some medical conditions affect GFR too. Then, also take a look at your creatinine values. How are those doing. The most important thing is that your numbers are stable, and that's worth gold. Make sure to keep regular doctor appointments to keep track of it all; this will also give you opportunities to ask questions. Blessings!
Thanks … I am 62 and the donor was younger like 56 living donor, great shape BMI of 21 but they had a hard time getting this kidney in me as it was a man’s kidney and bigger.
My numbers are stable and actually went up almost 20 points came down a bit but hover over that 42-44 range since surgery. I was on diaylsis 1.5 years prior. Creatine is higher by than last time but still stable probably not enough water. Doctors said all is stable and they are happy.
The kidney had two connections tubes one very long and thin with issues but it resolved the issues without human help.
I feel blessed. Just always wondered why function was low and started at 30. Hoping it will continue up over time. I just hit my 6th month post surgery. Thanks for the encouragement!
Well, had a virus and creatine went up so, they have taken me off Entresto. Found after reading it raises creatine and 10% can lose their new kidney. They think this will straighten out my numbers. I pray so! If you pray please say a quick prayer for me.
They think my heart has healed as the hearth failure was from a virus and why I was put on this med after Covid.
I was born with one kidney and got a transplant from an anonymous donor last July. Although my creatinine was as low as 1.4 on a few occasions, my baseline is 1.7-1.8, which means I have a GFR of ~ 40. I was initially apprehensive about this because I thought it meant my kidney would not last as long. The doctors assured me that they look for stability vs. absolute numbers, and they have had some patients with a stable creatinine level of 2.2-2.3. They also checked on the kidney function of my donor, which was very good. Overall, they expect this kidney will last a long time. I hope that helps.