Honest feedback required: Hello - has anyone... - Kidney Disease

Kidney Disease

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fartikins profile image
35 Replies

Hello - has anyone ordered or read The Kidney Disease Solution - Reversing and Living a Normal Healthy Life by Duncan Capicchiano. I was reading and doing some research into this E book and associated add ons and it sounded like the answer to my prayer. He is a Australian naturopath and he has put together this programme with his wife. It costs 87 Australian dollars which equates to £60 in pounds sterling. There was a book available from. Amazon but they have run out and are not sure if they are getting anymore in - its all done with herbs and yoga and meditation and diet - he said he cured his mother in law from stage 5 to stage 1. Am I clutching at straws here. I have ordered a copy of Lee Hull,s book as people seem to rate it on this site. There are so many 'cures' out there but I am sceptical of getting a complete cure - a healthier gfr would be great. I am stage 4 with gfr of 17 plus diabetes type 2. I must admit I clicked on that link about life expectancy with ckd the other day and I got really upset - according to that I have about 3 years left. Gosh there is so much out there to read and digest. Got to do a PCR test now as husband has that new variant of covid and the NHS have sent me the PCR testing kit as I am ranked as a vulnerable person. I hope to god I don't get it but there is no one else to look after him except me and he is really suffering - thanks for reading.

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fartikins profile image
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35 Replies
Bassetmommer profile image
BassetmommerNKF Ambassador

Hey Fartikin, There are two points you just said that make the business of CKD "cures" so lucrative. The cost of the book and the cost of the required supplement (Lee Hull's Book has a supplement) that is outrageously expensive.

There is no one size fits all cure for CKD. You have diabetes, for example. Diabetes impacts other issues, not only your diet, but impacts your whole body. This is why seeing a dietician who can advise you according to your health is so important. But read what you want to and spend your money. When these promises fail, they always say it is on the user who did not follow the procedure exactly. And be mindful that supplements can impact other medications you might be on.

Here is some more advise. Stop looking at life expectancy ratings. They are garbage and useless. Half the people on this site have lived longer and healthier lives than any of those statistics. STOP doing that.

fartikins profile image
fartikins in reply toBassetmommer

Hello Bassetmommer - you always succeed in grounding me. These books and cures look so convincing so I think I will be giving that one a miss. I sent an e mail to my GP and wonder of wonders she is going to refer me to a renal dietician - I really do need to talk to an expert about my diet and what is right and what is wrong. Thanks once again.

Bassetmommer profile image
BassetmommerNKF Ambassador in reply tofartikins

YEAH... at a girl Well done. We are here for you to bounce ideas off.

Sophiebun11 profile image
Sophiebun11 in reply tofartikins

It's about time you were sent to a renal dietician. That will be of more help than a pie in the sky "cure".

Best wishes

fartikins profile image
fartikins in reply toSophiebun11

Yes - that was very good news.

horsie63 profile image
horsie63 in reply tofartikins

"Cures" that apply to everyone are garbage as each person's needs are different. I have an autoimmune disease along with my CKD. Diet and exercise should be individualized. There are meds and even foods I cannot take. Basset's advise is spot on.

AndrewT profile image

Dear fartikins....hey great 'name',

I have 'Alarm Bells' ringing here, my friend, the 'Sharlitan' type. Let me explain my Thinking.

Firstly If there were a 'Miracle Cure', just from using 'Herbs?', then I'm quite sure our Consultants/ Doctors would know about it.

Secondly IF this 'Person', really did, have this Cure there would be Papers and- in all probability- a PhD on the subject.

Thirdly, and maybe most importantly.... How Much? BEFORE he even send you the Details!!!! Did you say SIXTY POUNDS? Sorry but No- Really NO. Just please DON'T do this fartikins.

These 'People' (I use this term Very losely- Vermin more like!) 'Pick' on Vulnerable/ Worried/ Concerned.... probably even Scared folk- like yourself. They 'Promise' you a CURE, or maybe Permenant Remission, using Herbs/ Rocks/ Animal Products- or Parts..... All for a Huge, and On Going, Fee. Many 'Fall' for this..... Don't let YOU be one of them.

Sorry to labour, the point, but it angers me that this, type of 'thing' is STILL 'Happening'.

Ok Rant Over..... Have a Happy Easter fartikins, still a Great Name....


honeybug profile image
honeybug in reply toAndrewT

👏👏👏👏👏. My thoughts exactly. If there were any truth to this every news media around the world would have announced this cure.

EJ 🤝❤️‍🩹🙏🕊🌿🌸🦋

fartikins profile image
fartikins in reply toAndrewT

Hello - thanks for the reply - yes you are right - if a cure was found for restoring damaged kidneys it would be world news. Thank you for having a smile at my on line name.

Skeptix profile image
Skeptix in reply tofartikins

Well, yes and no. There is a hell of a lot of money being made from the dialysis sector. Which means there is a vested interest in keeping things that way. It's only a correlation rather than a proof: but Fresenius (big dialysis service/consumables company) were making ketoacidanalogues as a part of the dialysis regieme (a protein replacement). Then some brightsparks had the idea of using such protein replacements as part of a low protein diet aimed at delaying the need for dialysis. Using a dialysis-related product to delay dialysis. Frensenius don't make that product anymore.

One wonders why?

Marvin8 profile image
Marvin8 in reply toSkeptix

I forgot if you said you were taking keto supplements. If so, which ones? Al-butt-tricks?

Skeptix profile image
Skeptix in reply toMarvin8


Yeah, but at about half the dose Lee Hull suggests. For some reason that wasn't clear (but which needn't be sinister) he promotes a 0.8gr overall protein/kg body weight regime. But the science behind things (including KDIGO) are rooted around 0.63gr/kg.

So instead of his 0.4 dietary + 0.4 keto = 0.8 overall, I do 0.43 diet and 0.2 keto.

I suspect he'd not want people cutting it fine (since calories are hard to get on board = risk of PEW). But it also sells more Albutrix. I don't smell shyster so am inclined to give him the benefit of the doubt.

If there was something cheaper I'd certainly have a look but there's only one other (Ketorena, iirc) competitor and its priced about the same

Marvin8 profile image
Marvin8 in reply toSkeptix

Well, for decades, folks have use Bragg Amino to supplement because it's cheap and available in all the grocery stores. Btw, what does PEW stand for? Physical wasting? :D

Skeptix profile image
Skeptix in reply toMarvin8

Protein energy wasting (PEW). If you are on a low protein diet and don't take on board sufficient calories, your body consumes muscle to generate the shortfall in energy.

This Bragg stuff has the tag "high protein" on its Amazon ad. How does a high protein product fit with a very low protein diet??

The keto analogue idea is to get the amino acids in a form that has the nitrogen element already removed (since your kidneys can't do that job so well anymore).

I suspect Braggs is just ordinary amino acids with nitrogen still attached. In which case you might as well have a 1/4 pounder, no/yum?

But I'm open to it being different. I just suspect that the researchers used kaa's and not Braggs for this nitrogen free reason (and maybe other reasons concerning the processing of high protein food?)

Marvin8 profile image
Marvin8 in reply toSkeptix

The amino acid supplement game is way outside my wheelhouse, so I'll defer to your knowledge base. I just took a look at the rear label, saw that it was 310mg of sodium/teaspoon/gm of protein, then immediately knocked it off my list.

Marvin8 profile image
Marvin8 in reply toMarvin8

And btw, the flip side of the very low protein diet is that the researchers don't say that if you want to maintain or increase muscle mass, it's gonna be difficult from a protein perspective. And I sure as heck don't want to waste away.

Skeptix profile image
Skeptix in reply toMarvin8

I think the idea is that you maintain yourself at this very low protein + keto acid level. If you're into hauling weight and need extra protein to enable that then you're going to be outta luck.

Me? I was always fairly scrawny so it matters not to me that I'll stay this way

Skeptix profile image
Skeptix in reply toMarvin8

"Way outside wheelhouse". Now that's good!

There isn't alot more to it (that I know of - I've only read into the waste urea reducing side of it before hopping in). My urea was at 2 x max range and now it's middle of normal range. How much of that is down to simple protein reduction (as in: I wasn't paying a blind bit of notice to protein intake then all of a sudden I was) and how much is down to going super-low protein I do not know. But I'm supposing the dramatic fall in urea (BUN) has to do with the dramatic reduction in protein intake (aka nitrogen waste intake).

I read (a job ad of all things) from Fresenius Sweden which indicated that they might be recommending production of kaa's. But I doubt that that'll cheapen the current high price. I work in food production and mass production / competition is what annihilated price. And kaa's is still pretty niche. I'm inclined to supposing Lee Hull has an okay business with it. But not so far as raking it in hand over fist. Not that it would matter if he was. First-ish up, best dressed and all that


rabbit01 profile image

I tried everything. But in my experience once you get below 30% then unfortunately dialysis is inevitable even if it's a way off. You can slow down the progression in some cases by keeping healthy and staying well hydrated. When I was at 17% I managed to avoid dialysis for a further 4.5 years but gradually the numbers fell and I had to start it. However in my case the thought of doing dialysis was far more frightening than the reality.

Uytk profile image

Those so called ‘cures’ are complete farce. If there were to be anything they would have got a Nobel prize at least! Do mot fall in this trap… lean on science.I’m also in UK and was suddenly diagnosed with stage 4 19% GFR with hypertension but no symptoms just before Christmas. After my research I escalated with my gp to have a nephrologist and a renal dietitian. Which I got. And have now been able to stabilise a few things. I followed by blood results closely - asked to have my blood done 1 week before the nephrologist appointment so had time to review and send a letter with the points I wanted to discuss - 2-3 days before the appointment.

Very strict diet due to high potassium. Exercise including gentle 10miles exercise bike every day helps reduce bp and clear bowles.

Look after yourself and we’re here for you too.

fartikins profile image
fartikins in reply toUytk

Thanks so much for that - it looks as though you are rowing my boat as well. Its just trying to find out what is best for you.

Pontios profile image

Hi Fartikin, interesting post on this guy in a Davita Forum from GeoD7019 on 02-06-2015.forums.davita.com/forum/edu...

Apparently Duncan is an expert on Search Engine Optimisation so we can do all the Internet research we like on him as he is more or less controlling where we land. Even put in his name and "scam" as I just did and I got a site promoting his work. Best to steer clear. On the comments this thread on Lee Hull, I found his book educational. I can thank Skeptix on this site for highlighting it. I believe most of Lee Hulls stuff, it is well referenced. His albutrix also seems to be well referenced, but too expensive.

I am sticking with plant based, low sodium for last five months. I can't report if it has helped or not as only had two bloods done since which is not enough as there always seems to be variation so I am looking for a trend. But based only on both bloods eGFR back up from under 20 to over 20.

fartikins profile image
fartikins in reply toPontios

Thanks so much for your reply

WYOAnne profile image
WYOAnneNKF Ambassador

If this author from Australia had the answer on how to cure CKD...don't you think everyone would be following his "expertise." The CURE - you wouldn't have to buy the book to find it out. Gullible people that desperately want to find a cure spend thousands of dollars every year trying to find the "magic answer."Look at all the weight loss products there are out there - if they worked no one would be over weight.

We are all different as are our causes for CKD. Once your kidneys are damaged, they cannot regenerate and heal.

Look up some of the past posts regarding Lee Hull's book. He may make a few good points but he does not have the answer - the CURE! He makes lots of money every year from people like you and others that are looking for the cure. Most on this site thought Hull's book a bunch of "bunk."

I think you should spend your time researching a kidney friendly diet for you to follow. Walk daily and drink plenty of water to stay hydrated. There are so many on this site that have been able to stabilize their CKD and live.

I wish when I was diagnosed in 1992, I had known about changes I could make to my diet that would have stabilized my kidneys. If I had known about following a low protein diet, I sure would have done it. What if I could have waited longer before I had a transplant or not get to the point where dialysis or a transplant was needed to live?

I had a transplant in 1999 - over 22+ years ago.

Charles21 profile image
Charles21 in reply toWYOAnne

God bless the transplanted kidney!🙂

WYOAnne profile image
WYOAnneNKF Ambassador in reply toCharles21

Thank you so much! Only by the grace of God!!Happy Easter!

horsie63 profile image
horsie63 in reply toWYOAnne

WYOAnne, I think the benefits of a healthy diet and exercise should be taught in every school in the world as docs don't seem to push the subject and we have an epidemic of overweight and unhealthy people. I can't count the number of people on here who have stated they didn't know they had a problem until it was almost too late. There needs to be an overhaul in the educating of people as to the 2 main causes, high BP and diabetes, both of which can be controlled with diet and exercise.

Partner20 profile image

Admin, please feel free to remove this post if you think it necessary to do so. A purely personal observation follows. Always sceptical about any of these so-called miracle cures to be found on the internet, I nevertheless have to comment on Duncan, aka "The Kidney Coach". My partner was diagnosed with CKD, and several other conditions, all of which require medications, regimes and diets which are either conflicting, and/or unable to be tolerated. Dismissed by some consultants, and unable to be helped by his GP, all of whom are baffled by his various presentations, he researched everything kidney-related he could find, and discovered the advice promoted by Duncan and his wife Fiona Chin. Yes, I laughed, but he was desperate, and signed up for the online course. He purchased his own supplements, including those to make the special tea, and gave it a go. It was a complete shock to see an improved egfr in his next round of blood tests, and a further improvement since then. Now, this is only one personal experience, and I would not dream of suggesting that anyone should pay money for this course, but, having researched all the herbs and supplements that are recommended in this programme, most have a longstanding history of health benefits. I never thought anything like this was worth following up, snake-oil springs to mind, but there are many other medical advisers whose information seems to support much of what the Kidney Coach programme promotes. There are ways to access some of this advice online without actually buying into the programme, if interested. Again, just personal experience, and no desire to recommend, just an observation on the post. Always discuss with your medical professionals any intention of self-treating, obviously.

Sophiebun11 profile image


I don't buy into any of the "cure" books. I think you'd be better off buying a diabetes management book which will help your CKD more than that expensive book.

There is no way I buy going from stage 5 to stage 1 (unless it is from an injury) not from CKD.

It sounds like another charlatan out to make money. I wish there were such a simple solution.

If you could get it on kindle or the library for free I'd say you have nothing to lose by reading it, but I wouldn't waste money on it. If they wanted to help it would be affordable.

Diet, exercise and attitude will help more than wasting your money.

Best of luck.

p.s. Sorry my link pissed you off I was saying it was ludicrous, I didn't post it to upset or make anyone believe it.

WYOAnne profile image
WYOAnneNKF Ambassador

I think this goes to show how different we all are and so is our CKD. Scarring on or in your kidneys is not going away or miraculously be healed. I can see how Partner20's situation may be different than mine or yours. Maybe the herbs and such helped with filtration in his kidneys and he didn't have all the scarring.My FSGS caused my kidneys to be all scarred up inside and nothing was going to heal them. Now, years past my transplant, my native kidneys cannot even be found on an ultra-sound

BlueLe profile image

I bought this book when I had just learnt that I was stage 4 and the nephrologist was not being very communicative. I have since changed the nephrologist and also talked to a dietician on my own. The book has a lot of information about CKD that you can get elsewhere also, foods, recipes and natural herbs and ofcourse they have an outlet to sell these. I am not following the herbs as most nephrologists are against those, though my new nephrologist is ok to take herbs that are well known for benefits. I started monitoring my protein intake and other foods via chronometer. The program included a 30min yoga program for kidneys that I started doing daily. It has been more than 6 months. I have had 2 blood tests since then and they are marginally better but still within the margin of error. I can’t say what helped and will see what happens at the next test. But, I plan to keep doing the yoga. He also mentioned some breathing exercise called hoffman method that I am doing. Figured it couldn’t hurt.

RhenDutchess123 profile image

Depending on what has caused your CKD...you may slow progress and feel better with diet...but scar tissue cannot be magically gone...ever

Jamok profile image

Is your diabetes well under control?

fartikins profile image
fartikins in reply toJamok

Hello Jamok - thanks for your message. I have to use insulin to try and keep within required limits - my diabetic nurse likes a reading of between 7 and 8 ( I am UK based ) I had to come off metformin because it damaged my kidneys.

Jamok profile image

Hopefully coming off the Met Forman can help your kidneys spring back a bit plus from what I read and heard from others With diabetes, their kidney function seems to improve on a Whole Foods plant based diet or at least a diet that keeps their weight in line and Blood sugar under control. Have you tried a plant based diet?

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