I am interested and would appreciate any advice and feedback on how to take care of someone who has only one kidney left due to cancer several years ago. The patient is taking regular prescribed medication to support and maintain the one kidney left and has regular medical check-ups with a nephrologist. I would be interested in getting advice on proper nutrition, medical /physical care, to help the patient remain stable.
Caregiver to a husband with only one remain... - Kidney Disease
Caregiver to a husband with only one remaining kidney due to kidney disease
I would discuss with the Nephrologist about an appropriate diet based on bloodwork. Maybe get a referral to a renal dietitian. My CKD diet might not work for everyone with kidney disease.
Hi HonkyTonk56,
welcome to the forum. It's great that you are caregiving for your spouse. It depends on what needs he has and how his remaining kidney is doing.
Those are things to discuss with their Nephrologist. If you do the cooking, then be sure to go to an appt. with your spouse to the Renal Dietician and find out what foods are best to eat, and what should be avoided. A lot of that has to do with comorbid health conditions, and kidney numbers on lab works. I agree with orangecity's reply.
All the best to you both, happy holidays.
A plant based diet will work well for anyone and be easier on the kidney. Being a caregiver is hard work...what you need to do is focus on how to help yourself. Because caregiver will drain you faster than one kidney will.
Welcome to the caregiving club. As Roxanne said, caregiving is draining work! I agree with everyone that getting advice from his nephrologist is a great idea. Interestingly, a single kidney will usually increase in size (50-60%) to handle the body's demand. That's the reason people are generally given only one kidney in a transplant, as happened to my hubby. In my husband's case, he was urged to return to a regular diet after the transplant to keep his electrolytes at a normal level, to drink water to flush and keep the kidney healthy, etc. However, this may or may not be the case for your spouse since his cancer history, medication needs , and other matters may well be at play. So check with your team (either refer to or take your spouse's labs with you). For anyone with one kidney, it's safe to say that it's important to protect a single kidney from injury – especially from certain heavy contact sports. Wishing you and your spouse a wonderful, trouble-free life!
Hi HonkyTonk56 I had my left kidney removed in 2010 as it was Cancerous so have been living with one ever since. I agree with others it’s best to get a professional dietitian to plan your food. I don’t have any dairy foods as I am Lactose intolerant but I can only drink 1 litre of fluids in 24hrs & have to take water tablets but I also have other medical issues. It’s best to get your lab tests done regularly I have mine every 6 weeks but my GFR is now down to 10 but I just about manage & don’t want to go onto dialysis at the moment. Good luck stay positive it really has helped me
This sounds like something you need to have a chat with his nephrologist.First, does his remaining kidney have normal function? No sign of cancer in his remaining kidney? Are they in good health, no preexisting conditions?
If so, I would think that is no different than someone who is born with one kidney, or someone that has had a transplant. I have had a transplant and my transplanted kidney has normal function. Other than staying hydrated and taking my medications, I have no set diet to follow. I do eat heart healthy and stay away from too much salt.
All I want for Christmas is one functioning Kidney....