Hello Im writing because I feel really sad I sorry to post this but my nephrologist told me to wait two months before my next blood test I dont know If anyone has felt Like this. Sorry guys.
Sad : Hello Im writing because I feel really... - Kidney Disease

You didn't say what your GFR was on the previous tests so it's hard to understand what the doctor is waiting for. If you have already been given the diagnosis of CKD then doing your labs every two months is not a bad thing. If it's to make the determination of you having CKD then it's a bit long between tests. Usually to make the diagnosis the physician will run the labs two or three times in about 2-3 months to make the diagnosis. There is no required time but that is a loose, general practice among well educated and knowledgeable nephrologists.Either way you should be on a kidney-friendly meal plan. Limited amount of protein, no red meat, no fast food, no processed or cured foods, Look at your hard copies of previous labs and see where your numbers are for protein, potassium, phosphorus, sodium, and calcium. Keep them within the reference range. No NSAIDs like ibuprofen, Aleve, Advil, or aspirin as well as avoid prescription NSAIDs. You can use drugs.com to look up all meds you take and see if they are harmful to your kidneys. Talk to the prescribing physician to see if there is an alternative medication that will do little or no further damage to your kidneys.
Drink lots of water, take no supplements that aren't approved by your nephrologist or other qualified and knowledgeable physicians. Same for any other OTC meds. If you have minor pain you can take Tylenol but not in excess.
Ask your physicians to help you develop an exercise regimen that will work for you.
To slow the progression of CKD you have to make the lifestyle changes and it can be difficult. Ask for a referral to meet with a Renal Dietitian. They can work with you to develop a meal plan that will be to your new habits and stick with it. Learn as much as you can. I'd suggest you also go to kidneyschool.org and view the learning modules and then develop questions to ask your nephrologist. KNOWLEDGE IS POWER.
Best of luck

Thank you, this is new to me Im afraid thank you for your help I canto help crying but I will try to get over it. God bless you
Hang in there. We've all been there before. You can receive lots of support in this community so if you have any further questions come back and reach out to the folks here. While there is no cure for CKD there are ways to slow the progression and you can do it. Take care.

Lots of love

I was diagnosed at CKD (Chronic Kidney Disease) 3b, 5 years ago, after several tests were done. I had gone to new Doctor who had copies of my bloodwork. I was put on CKD diet by my new Primary Doctor based on associated bloodwork for sodium, phosphorus, potassium and protein. . So far the progression has slowed down. The Davita class on CKD also helped me understand Chronic Kidney Disease. Welcome to the forum.
I was diagnose with CKD 3a but my gfr went from 51 to 45 I dont know If my next blood test are going to be better or not.
Your GFR is a snapshot of the time the blood was drawn. It can and will vary from draw to draw. Instead of worrying about each number set up a spreadsheet. Across the top, list the physician ordering the labs and the date. Down the left side enter the name of each test. Once you get the hard copy enter the results on the corresponding line. I highlight anything above the reference range in red, and anything below the reference range I highlight in orange. This allows me to watch for trends and bring them up with the doctor(s) at the appointment.The best way to monitor your kidney function is to maintain an average of your GFR.
Best of luck.

You mean It can vary?
It can but, if you follow a kidney-friendly meal plan, exercise, watch your meds, stay hydrated with water, and control any underlying conditions when possible it will be slight up or down changes. Remember to maintain an average.

Hello Mr. Kidney, I have stage 4 CKD. My nephrologist is now waiting 4 months in between blood work and appointments. I feel this is not enough. Am I wrong.? EGFR in the 20s.
I agree with you. Four months between labs is too far when you are in Stage 4. If you are closer to the lower half of Stage 4 (nearer to Stage 5) I would want my labs done much more frequently. As you get closer to ESRD there are decisions about modality for dialysis that should be discussed and preparations for that to be dealt with.
Where were you at with your GFR when you were diagnosed?
How much time has passed since then?
GFR does decline as we age, so if I may ask, how old are you?
Have you asked to have them done sooner?
Is your nephrologist handling other health issues for you, like diabetes or hypertension?
Sorry for all the questions but some of your answers may impact why he feels every four months is sufficient.

Thank you Mr. Kidney, I guess I’ve been diagnosed about 8 years. My eGFR was in the 40s when diagnosed. I’m in low 20s now. I’m 74. My right arm is reserved for possible procedure to enlarge vein. I’m 73 years old and have high blood pressure.
So may I assume you are looking to do hemodialysis either in-center or at home? Have they discussed with you when you should have either the fistula or graft done?Home Hemodialysis can be done at home and you can do it more frequently that the 3 times per week for a total of 12 hours at a center. Have you thought about that? Just asking so I know how to direct my information.

I expect to do hemodialysis in center. No date on fistula yet. I don’t want to do it at home as I am alone. Also have RA.
Okay, I have some a possible option for you regarding the fistula but, it will be early tomorrow before I can post it. Look for it then and if you are interested, speak to your nephrologist.Till then

Thank you, I’ll be watching.
This is an option that you might want to consider and then discuss with your nephrologist and find a surgeon who will do the procedure. I've already discussed this as a possibility for me when the time arrives since I plan on doing Home Hemodialysis, HHD.
Best of luck.

Thank you Mr. Kidney, I will discuss with the nephrologist when I see him again. Thank you for the information and good luck to you also. God bless you.
I feel your pain...I'm so sorry you're going through this. I'm feeling the same myself. It's a life-changing situation. Don't lose hope and take it one day at a time.
im kind same like you 2 years ago i was 46 , i start to use isonopril for high pression jumps to 55, after a year go to 52 now im 49 , i just saw my first nephrologist two weeks ago, says its fine in that number, idk honestly.
hard part its you cant eat somethings
Stay hydrated, light exercise, and maintain a reasonably healthy diet and your condition will likely stabilize. Find a kidney health class through medical provider and sign up!
We have to learn to live in the moment like dogs do. Otherwise we will waste good time.
Please don't feel you need to apologize for your feelings. It is natural to be sad about our severe health issues. I have had kidney disease my whole life and lost my dad to the disease when I was 6. I'm now 76 years old. I've come through the ups and downs and am sure you will too. We are all here to help you get through this. Take care.
Hello, If you don't mind me asking, how did you find that very specific type of psychologist?
I doubt I could find someone like that where I live, but I could do some searching.
Thanks for this info, and for your other post about this.