I am new here. 47 year old female. I have had hypertension for 4 yrs and now take lisinopril 40mg and a month ago doctor introduced Amlodipine 2.5 mg. With that Bp stays 130ish/90ish range. Recently doctor did 24 hr protein after random urinalysis twice showed positive protein. The 24 hr protein test revealed 272 mg protein per 24 hr. Urine protein concentration is 12.1mg/dl from the same test. Creatinine,Ur Conc from that test is 34.5 mg/dL. I had a lot of tests done before where my blood creatinine is 0.72 and egfr is 101. I do not have diabetes or cholesterol. Have done ultasound and ct scan where the kidneys show nothing abnormal. Can you pls help me understand why the protein is high? I am very worried that I am in the CKD stages and will go into kidney failure. Thanks!
Protein in Urine- Very Worried and need help - Kidney Disease
Protein in Urine- Very Worried and need help

Here is a link to National Kidney Foundation article on eGFR with information on eGFR and age. kidney.org/atoz/content/gfr
Thank you! I looked into that. That was very helpful. The chart shows it tracks albuminuria. Does the total urine protein the same as albuminuria? Mine is 272 mg per 24 hrs. How do I convert it to mg/g as the chart requires?
Link to information on albuminuria from National Kidney Foundation. webmd.com/a-to-z-guides/wha...
Your creatinine and eGFR numbers are absolutely normal. Everybody on this forum would trade theirs for yours. Unfortunately, we are not doctors, and only your own doctor can get to the bottom of why you're leaking protein into your urine. It is possible that it's just a transient event, but your doctor will tell you more.
Hi, I've been on Lisinopril for at least 15 years. Started at 10mg and increasing doses up to 40mg. My kidney functions continued to drop despite my controlled BP. I had a kidney biopsy 1. 1/2 yrs ago to help figure out cause and found I have IGA Nephropathy. ( gradual decline & no way to reverse). I thought there must be something I could do. My doctor does not feel the Lisinopril was causing this, but I still feel it had something to do with it.Although lisinopril is one of the best blood pressure medications for your kidneys (is how my doctor explained it to me.) I've read it can also harm after long term use. So I tried to get off the lisinopril and do a different blood pressure med however my pressure was not controlled well. So currently on a 20 mg dose of Lisinopril and 6.25 mg Carvedilol. I have started the referral process regarding kidney transplant and awaiting a call to get that consultation and information started. I'm 58 years old and other than the Kidney Disease and Blood Pressure I'm a healthy active person. Discuss concerns with your MD to see if you can try a different BP medication & perhaps ask for a biopsy to see if they can determine any other issues. I'm sorry I can't be of any real help.This is scary for all of us & I wish you the best& let me know what you find out.