I am a 53 year old female. Just had a 24hr urine test that came up with some out of range results. Phosphate concentration came up low: result 9.8 mmol/L, normal range 11-44 mmol/L, but the total phosphate per day was normal at 22.5 mmol/day within the range of 11-45 mmol/day. Is the low concentration something I should be worried about if the total is normal? Not sure how to interpret this.
The Calcium concentration came up normal at 3.75 within range of 0.23-6.30, but the total per day is high at 8.63, normal range 2.5-7.5.
Creatinine, urea, protein, albumin, magnesium, potassium came up normal.
The reason for the test is that at the end of February i had an untreated uti that got to the kidneys and since then i have been dealing with bilateral kidney pain, deep, dull, diffuse that lasts for hours and hours, really debilitating, lost weight quickly, hands shaking, nausea, worst pain i have ever had. The pain alternates between bad days with bad pain, and better days with vague to mild pain and at times no pain at all. It is better now overall but not a lot better. The family doctor and urologist have no explanation, waiting for appointment with nephrologist. Ultrasound done in April showed reduction of cortical thickness from 1 cm in both kidneys (from previous US before this started) to 0.6 and 0.7. CT scan showed nothing abnormal. Albumin to creatinine ratio normal but eGFR in April was 85 versus 96 in September last year (always had gfr over 90). I also have some patches of foam/small bubbles in my urine that don't go away that also started after the infection.
Has anyone else experienced this? Family doctor said all is good and i am hypochondriac. Very frustrating!! I had to ask for the 24 hr urine test and now i cannot get a hold of him to comment on the results and the nephrologist could take a month or two.
Any feedback is appreciated and i apologize for the long post.