For us CKD is a family affair. Out of nine children, five of us have this disease. Of those five one has had a kidney transplant and one is on dialysis. I am currently at stage 3 and I’m trying really hard to halt the progression and avoid being hooked onto a machine. To that end I bought a detailed program from a registered health practitioner. Included in this system is a diet plan that includes tasty recipes and ensures that our body remains alkalized. This system really works!! Follow this link to learn more about CKD and the solution that will extend your life. .
Kidney Disease Solution: For us CKD is a... - Kidney Disease
Kidney Disease Solution
Hi, I too bought this program. It was awesome and kept me off dialysis for 5 years and I was end stage when I started it Gfr 11. When I went on dialysis GFR was 2 . Now I’ve had a transplant in February 2021. Thank God I found that program
Yet another wonder drug with no scientific fact but long on disclaimers. What on earth makes you think this does what it claims for what is pretty obviously a genetic family fault at best, or a blatant advert at worst. If it is neither of those then you are all consuming the wrong foods. Just stop that and your kidneys will improve some.Any kidney friendly diet can slow CKD but only a kidney replacement can cure CKD if you like to think of that as a cure.
I'll bet there are lots of anecdotal evidence out there. Interestingly none of the "testimonials" acknowledge trying a kidney friendly diet.
Kind of flies in the face of medical evidence that CKD is not reversible for the most part. You know it is cheaper to just go on a kidney friendly diet and stick to it for tangible results, right.Great if you think it works for you, but I'll stick with scientific fact and my kidney diet that is working for me.