I have stage2 ckd with a solitary kidney as one was removed due to cancer. I also have multiple autoimmune disease. My Rhumatologist said that there is nothing he can give me for inflammation due to the ckd. Anyone have this issue and has been prescribed something for inflammation? I am in a great deal of discomfort and don't know where to turn now. I cannot take turmeric as it causes another autoimmune issue to flair. Any ideas would be appreciated.
Stage 2 ckd and autoimmune disease, what ca... - Kidney Disease
Stage 2 ckd and autoimmune disease, what can I take for inflammation?
Hi Dkitt,When he said nothing for the inflammation, I am thinking you meant pain. So taking OTC pain relief is not recommended except Tylenol. But too much of that can cause liver issues. However, there is a host of medications for controlling the inflammation from rheumatic issues whether it is a biologic or a DMARDs. If he is not helping get the inflammation down, it is time to find a new doctor. I have been on both of these types of drugs for years. It was the use of OTC pain relief that caused the start of my CKD issues and not getting the right treatment in a timely manner.
Thank you for your reply. He said that the Tylenol was for pain but that he did not have anything that he knew of that I could take for inflammation that would not effect my kidneys. Did your nephrologist give you any options? I am waiting on bloodwork results and then will be finding a new doctor.
Great direction from Bassettmommer.
If a doctor is not listening to you, communicating with you in basic language, willing to include you in your medical action plan as well as consult with the other members of your medical team, it is most assuredly time to seek a qualified physician who will.
I support your decision to seek another opinion.
Be sure to bring your current and past set of labs with you; checking off any results which may flag high or low in relation to the ranges designated by the lab and ask .
Also, list a description of the symptoms that you have been experiencing and how long you have had them.
List questions and jot answers and key discussion points in a notebook as when you get home it will be a review and a starting point for your next appointment.
Please reach out and let us know how things are going.
We care!
I have been on multiple medicines trying to find the correct one for reducing my inflammation from psoriatic arthritis. Unfortunately, sometimes they work, others don't and some your system gets used to and they stop working. I see a nephrologist, and rheumatologist and a cardiologist and they all agree that the inflammation from the PsA is the critical to control. If effects everything, including the heart. So for your doctor to not see the seriousness of getting you something to control inflammation is a serious concern for you. Once the damage is done from inflammation, there is no going back. All of your doctors should be aware of what drugs will be nephrotoxic and which are safe and then prescribe those. They are out there. I hope your NEXT doctor has you in mind.
What’s a DMARD? Thank you!
disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs methotextrate is one and it is also a cancer drug.
My doc wants me to try Humira I’m terrified My neck is having sharp sudden pain today my glands are swollen and tender with a migraine now. I gave up and give in I know shame on me I took 2 Advil but I don’t want to go to Er for sure . My cardiologist office called me three times this week because I canceled my in person appointment and they scheduled one for April but called this am said Dr wants it next Friday worried about the swelling on right side like 1/2’’ bigger on the right ? I dk it’s always something!
STOPTHE ADVIL NOW. If you have kidney issues, that is the worse medicine you can take. It will destroy your kidney. Take it from someone who knows what the damage it can do. A biologic is the normal routine for inflammation at a certain level. The inflammation is the worst thing for all of your body. It will destroy organs, so you want to get that under control. Humira is the first one they usually start with. I was on it. Get your doctors' appointments. That is critical. YOU have to do what you can for yourself and you are the only one who can do that.
I know but I’m so scared of Humira the first side effect warning paragraph Sepsis jumps out of it . I’ve been septic .
All of the biologics have warnings that will scare the crap out of you. They are powerful drugs. But if your doctor is pushing you towards them, there is a reason. What you do not see is the damage inflammation does over time. It has messed up my kidneys, my pancreases, and now may heart. I had PsA for years before they would even test me. And in those years, the damage caused from being prescribed Advil and the inflammation is not reversable. I have an ankle that is so destroyed that they want to fuse because that's all they can do. I have been on over 11 biologics in the 13 years. Some were great and some were not. You have to go through a trial because of insurance. This is something you need to figure out whether you want to have major issues with inflammation or do something to get it under control. I know it is scary at first. But the results of not doing something are permanent.
Hi! I have been on HUMIRA for about 3 months and so far thank God it seems to be helping my RA. I get headaches, fatigue, and a face rash usually the first 4 to 5 days after injection. I have been diagnosed only 3 years and been on so many RA drugs and infusions wondering if they had anything to do with my CKD. Also have had 3 laser surgeries for kidney stones which again did that cause damage? Just keep trying different drugs and if you have a reaction for which I have had many STOP and try something else! I have been septic 3 times and almost died due to my lungs and kidneys shutting down. I wish you the best and God bless!
Same here! Stage 3b CKD a d was on NSAIDS for a long time and not 1 doctor all these years EVER SAID my gfr was in trouble. I have RA and of course kidney stones and just was told I had this in October before my shoulder replacement surgery and I am still very mad! The RA dr had me on infusions but they stopped working and he knew for 2 years. My PA in my PAIN MANAGEMENT is doing everything because she said I was being pushed through the system. She gives me pain meds but checks how it will effect my kidneys first! My PAIN MED PA! Also if I have a RA flair I go on prednisone for 30 days. Maybe tto your dr about a low dose steroid! All these meds ARE THE DEVIL! Good luck and God bless!
Personally I'd suggest an anti-inflammatory diet rather than a pill, particularly as most painkillers are to be avoided eg link below).To do it properly, you could contact a naturopathic nutritionist who would consider your current diet etc then advise.
I was on CellCept many years ago for the same issue. I had side effects of severe cramping that would cause my arms and legs to seize(very dangerous to drive). Although, other than the occasional cramps, I don't remember a time in my life I ever felt better. I had energy and slept refreshed without 8-10 hours of sleep. I stopped the CellCept after contracting a serious upper respiratory infection. Once I was cleared of that, a CT scan was done and that is when they found the kidney cancer. My oncologist said he did not believe the cancer was advanced enough to cause the cramping I endured on the CellCept. I believe the doctor is just throwing his hands up. I have a severe case of Costochondrotis and he did not even address the other issues, he just stopped there and told me to take Tylenol. I have considered seeing an endocrinologist to see if it is hormonal. I don't have one adrenal gland and no ovaries. I feel like I am going in circles. I appreciate all if the comments and recommendations.
hydroxychloroquine. That is used for lupus and CKD issues. But the drug is relatively harmless regarding treating infamation.
Thank you for your feedback. I did end up following up with the same doctor, bad mistake. He said he had nothing he could do for me. I challenged his lack of interest and, he pretty much just shut down his interest to help. Before he left the room, I asked him about hydroxychloroquine and he immediately said, that is not a cure for COVID. I said, I am not here for COVID, I am here for inflammation. He shrugged and said, "oh I have prescribed that before, we can give it a try". I got the prescription, been on it for 3 months, and am never going back to him. So far, I see a little difference and am hoping it continues to improve.
I simply don't get this as I have RA and CKD stage 4 and take Azathyoprine without any issues and Etanercept a biosilimiar. If you mean NSAIDS then they do not actually treat RA and are used to reduce inflammation only until the DMARD works. It's really not an issue. So are you sure about this ? I'm in the UK and steroids are commonly used if people can't have NSAIDS that includes me but its down to blood issues. I can see your in the USA so things might be different but there is definitely no problem with all DMARDS and RA as a lot are crossover meds used following transplants anyway.
I have lupus and I'm on prednisone for it, keeps my inflammation markers lower. Kidney doc thought it was fine, and lot of other people here have mentioned being on prednisone. (Hydroxychloroquine did nothing for me but make my hair fall out so I can't recommend). I used to take Benlysta infusions, but I haven't had a flare since everybody started wearing masks, so I stopped. Your doctor sounds preoccupied or overworked or something. You need a doc who can focus on you.