My husband has been on home hemodialysis for two years. We want to get a backup power supply for the dialyzer in the event of a power failure. We know nothing about how to go about this. Does anyone else have a backup power unit for their home equipment? Thanks.
Need advice for backup power supply for doi... - Kidney Disease
Need advice for backup power supply for doing home dialysis
Look up the Generac. You can run one off propane or solar depending on your preference. The website will also help you find a dealer. I'm going with the solar one in the spring.
Best of luck.
Thank you! We are also looking into solar panels at the moment, so it's good to know there's an adjunct to that!

Recommend that one does their research with solar panels. We had those and it was a nightmare. We live in the rainy, humid mid-Atlantic region. Solar panels are best used in areas that are arid and sunny with homes that have slate or concrete shingles. We wound up with serious roof issues with the fixtures securing the panels to the roof creating severe, inaccessible roof rot. (It's common to have asphalt roofs here.) The removal of panels (hazardous waste requires special handling ) and the repair and replacement of roof was exceptionally expensive. The savings are attractive upfront. But few consider the costs when there are problems.
If you plan to go solar and if possible try not to have them placed on the roof. I have several acres and plan to have mine on a pedestal in my yard away from trees and my new metal roof. If you have to have them on your roof have the roof checked by an independent inspector before writing the check.Best of luck.

Excellent advice.

Honda generator, solar panels and others are g[d options.19 years on HHD and we have never needed one. We started out living in rural Missouri, miles off blacktop. Plenty of storms, but we were never without power longer than a few hours. Blessings
Thank you Mr. Kidney, Darlenia, and KidneyCoach. We're still investigating the solar panels, and I very much appreciate everyone's input of what to watch out for. But aside from the solar panels, and in the meantime, my husband wants to buy a Jackery Lithium Ion battery. Our problem or issue is that we can't seem to get an answer from our NXStage Cycler help desk about how much power we will need? They just say "read your manual." We're not electricians, we don't know a watt, from an amp, from a hertz, from a raccoon's backside. Is anyone using a power system for a NXStage Cycler and how do you know how much power is needed?
Electricity suppliers will put you on priority if your supply fails they will provide a back up generator,contact them to register
Noisy but a portable generator available at home improvement stores