Hello All
My father (68 years old) is having an eGFR in the range of 30-43 for the past one , since we detected foamy urine and consulted the Nephrologist.
His creatinine since last Oct has come from 2.2 to 1.71 ,but last two samples returned 1.78 and 1.95 , while other KFT parameters are well within range.
He is borderline diabetic , with HbA1c being steady at 5.7 ,a HPN patient with blood pressure at around 135/85
The concern is Protein loss , a year ago spot urine to Creatinine ratio was 0.75 , last week it eas measured at 2.51 , doctor says the CKD progressive, we should take further steps to halt the progression.
Esteemed members please share your views , about further steps that need to be taken.
He is physically an active person