Any ideas on CBD oil ?
CBD OIL: Any ideas on CBD oil ? - Kidney Disease
Plenty..... and so timely for me to answer. So, I started using CBD oil every night way back in the spring. I checked with all my doctors and they said it was fine. I was faithful and was taking a large dose of 2000mg full spectrum blend with 66 mg CBD. It was the highest one I could fine locally. I was sleeping like a baby. Fell asleep fast and woke up refreshed. It sort of dulled the constant pain from Psoriatic Arthritis, but not by any means took it away. Then this winter I noticed the pain was not really being relieved at all. But I was sleeping. THEN.... about three weeks ago, I was waking up in the middle of the night between two and three and having anxiety attacks. I could not get my brain or gut to calm down. Could not even get to a state of meditation and I certainly know how to do that. I also noticed that I was having severe dry mouth. I always took my dropper about an a couple of hours before bed and noticed even then the dry mouth. Then I started having really nasty dreams, like the kind that wake you up panting. This Monday night was worse. So I decided to stop the oil. I do not fall asleep quite as fast. dry mouth, no weird dreams, and even when I get up to pee which I do at least once at night, I could fall back asleep eventually.
My labs did not change in any manner or improve, which is fine. I want stability.
So I have stopped the oil for now. I will wait and see if I want to try again maybe with a different product. I did love it at first but maybe the product changed. The store I bought it from said it was the same and it is the same manufacturer. But I do not want to waste $90.00 a month for it if its not doing anything and causing me issues.
But just so you know, none of the doctors thought it would impact the kidney. I was on it for the inflammation in my joints and skin. Did not do to much for either. Matter of fact, I started breaking out with more psoriasis, which I attributed to the infusion I am on.
Oh, also started having headaches.... but that might be from the dry air or infusion.
Thank you for your reply Bassetmomner...I was thinking of trying the CBD oil to help keep my blood pressure and inflamation in check..with-out the "high" of Marijuana
You say you were taking a large dose...200mg...I dont know enough about it..but 200mg does sound like quite a bit..what is a normal dose?..If you try it again would you try a lower dose ?
The Nightmares and dry mouth sound like a bad side effect that i really dont want...but the sleep sounds awesome..
Do i need to take it daily or just randomly?...Did you feel like it gave you a pick-me-up or just make you sleepy?
I am glad to hear that Doctors didnt feel it impacted kidney function much either way.
Thank you so much for answering my Post...especially from someone who has actually tried it !!....As I persue this, I hope its okay to contact you with more what to look for in blends and suppliers....
So this morning, I decided to do more research on the Internet. I found out the only side effect that was out there in the research that I have was dry mouth. My issue with that is curable. I take it so late and do not drink water after so.... of course I had dry mouth. When I talked to the store owner before, he said drinking milk after was great for not only absorption but helps with the dry mouth. Not a big milk drinker here. But I am going to try water afterwards. I also think I was taking too much. I was take a full dropper of 2000mg with 66 mg of CBD. That's pretty strong. I just checked and what I had been taken was 2000mg with 33 CBD.
So I am going to half that and see how it goes. I am hoping that it will help with my sleep issues, because before I was taking so much, I slept like a baby. I miss that. I also think the last week was very stressful ( just got appointed to be the Chairperson of our local ambulance corps and my step daughter was staying with us).
The research I did today really pointed me back to taking the oil. It helps with lowering blood pressure, helping with glucose control, can help with weight management and lower pain receptors. It did all those things for me in the beginning.
One thing I highly recommend you do.... first: check with your doctors. That's critical because they are finding that people who take drugs that can be affected by grapefruit have the same situation with CBD. They are also finding it MAY elevate liver enzymes.
Then work with someone local and reputable. Start with a lower dose and build up. I tried an oil based tincture that had sunflower and coconut oil in it that was awful. I choked on it once and it was horrible. But the oil helps with absorption. They have flavored oils, but they are not as strong in most case and expensive. I don't love the earthy taste but don't hate it either of the normal full spectrum hemp. (Once a hippie always a hippie, if you get my drift) Check what is in the oil along with CBD. In mine, there is full spectrum hemp oil, MCT oil ( which is the carrier oil) and that's it. Make sure you do your research on the brand. I do not recommend buying on line. I won't recommend any particular brand either.
But remember.... I am not a doctor, not trying to sell anything...just giving you antidotal experience. I think the thing that sways me the most about taking it was the top notch hematologist I saw for something else last summer highly recommended it and she is giving it to her parents.
Let me know what you decide and let's compare notes if you do try it.