Hi there ! I went for normal yearly checkup and standard labs. I have been told the past 3 or 4 years my kidneys were "a little low" and to just drink more water. New doctor and new labs showed my number at 44. She said drink water and recheck in a couple weeks. It went up to 47 but she wants me to see a kidney doctor . What can I expect?
New diagnosis: Hi there ! I went for normal... - Kidney Disease
New diagnosis

First it’s great to hear how proactive your PCP is with your renal function! I’m general most of us weren’t referred to s nephrologist until our renal data was much lower than yours. Getting to a nephrologist earlier will likely help you preserve your remaining renal function longer or even improve it!
In my first nephrologist appointment the nephrologist gathered family medical history, listened to my heart, discussed my other medical conditions, ordered labs, and that was about it. The labs included blood to check my renal function and a urine sample to check for protein in my urine.
Hi and Welcome,
To help you along with your CKD journey I've got a few suggestions. The more you know about your kidneys the better you will be able to deal with all of the issues that may come along.
First, if you are in the USA go to the davita.com website and register for a free, 90-minute Kidney Smart class held in your area. You'll receive a lot of information and resources that will help you understand what you need to know to slow the progression of CKD.
Second, when you meet with the nephrologist, ask for a referral to see a Renal Dietitian. When you meet with the RD bring as many of your past labs as you have and it will help them design a kidney-friendly meal plan designed for you based on your labs.
Third, I use labtestsonline.org to better understand the blood and urine labs your physicians run. Accessing that site will give you an understanding of what the doctor is running and why.
Fourth, without knowing what other health issues you have or what medications you may take, I'd recommend you sign up for a free account at drugs.com You can check on all of your medications and learn which ones may have an adverse effect on your kidneys. Also if you sign up for the alerts and summary you can stop on top of any drug issues/recalls and other medication problems.
All of those sites will help you develop questions to ask your physicians to maximize your appointment time.
You've come to the best site for learning and sharing with others dealing with CKD.
Best of luck.

Thanks so much!

Welcome! My thougts parallel all here.
Establishing with a nephrologist is in your best interest as they will run their own tests yielding a baseline and share with your PCP which will benefit your care. You are all a team!
Print copies of your labs and ask questions as diet and medications are so important.
The Davita Smart Class is taught by great, compassionate nurses and filled with invaluable information and tools; they also have a renal dietician on the premises.
Highly recommended as knowledge is power!
Bear in mind, this is all a process!