I know this is weird but should I not be using deodorant that says not to use when you have kidney disease? I notice some body spray says this too...
deodorant?: I know this is weird but should I... - Kidney Disease

I've not heard that before but, if the manufacturer says that, I'd listen. I use deodorant but I'm allergic to the aluminum chlorhydrate in many antiperspirants.
I recommend consulting your nephrologist about it. Every product that worked on me had that warning label, and my teen self was not about to go without it 😂 my nephrologist gave the okay, but I'd imagine that it varies by person. Good luck!
I had not heard of that before but when I was diagnosed with CKD I stopped using the deodorant that contained aluminium. Over in the UK Dove zero is one example. I think anyway that you can reduce the load on your kidneys has to be a good thing.

Check with your doctor. It is probably the "spray" type of deodorant. Switch to solid deodorant. There are so many out there now, you should not have a problem finding one for you. And NO, don't go without. As CKD progresses, sometimes you do have a body odor issue. It seems to come out of your pores.
The aluminum is the issue, and is used primarily in all forms of antiperspirants you find in stores unless otherwise noted that it’s aluminum free. I moved away and I use the brand Native for my deodorant needs. NKF has a good statement here:

I just looked at the NKF website (Ask the doctor) regarding deodorant. Said not to worry about those with "aluminum". Not enough is absorbed through the skin, and you would have to eat it for it to be dangerous for a kidney patient. I would still run it by your doctor. To my knowledge, we have never been asked that question before. Thanks for bringing to our attention.

To be on the safe side I use a natural stick deodorant.