Does anybody know where can I find info about supplements and CKD? I'm trying to use less meds and more natural ways to help my body. I read that Goji berry can help cortisol levels, but short of looking up each one separately, I don't know what is safe. Thanks guys!
Supplement Safety: Does anybody know where... - Kidney Disease
Supplement Safety

Supplements are not regulated and you never know what you're going to get. I do take a couple of them but each one had to be okayed by three of my Care Team physicians, my PCP, Nephrologist, and my Cardiologist.
I gave each one a two week trial and if I didn't notice a change, I stopped them.
Be careful taking anything because you are looking for an easy fix.

HI Hugatree,
Two things you need to be aware of with supplements. They are not regulated so what you see is not guaranteed what you get. Supplements are drugs and should be approved only by your doctor who knows the whole picture. For example, chamomile tea which is so good for sleeping and relaxing is very dangerous for those on blood thinners such as warfarin and aspirin.
There are no miracle cures. If you have prescriptions you are trying to replace with supplements, well, that is not a good idea and can be dangerous. Ask your doctor how you can be weaned off of something. For example, diabetic meds: lose weight and cut down on carbs and sugar.
Is there a list of supplements that is supposed to help with CKD....nope! But things like iron deficiency, anemia, low B12 and other symptoms can be managed with support from doctor approved supplements.
Last thing, you said you would have to look each one up separately..... why would you not verify what you are consuming. Do not go buy what some hucksters have out there. But you can use sites like or to check things out.
Good information One must be careful on ingredients as could adversely affect your kidneys. I am anemic and asked my Doctor about iron supplements and she advised not to take them.
Don't you just love the doctors we have to deal with? About 12 years ago I had a problem in my blood labs with anemia. I was told to take Feosol Iron (Ferros Sulfate) about 65 mg each day. At every doctor change since then I've gone over my meds and twice the physician said to stop it for about 30 days and see what happens. I did and sure enough with new labs I was told to go back on it. I've documented all of this and with the last few doctor changes, and copies of my documentation, the new physicians were satisfied and said to continue. Not one issue with anemia since then. We are all different, and this just shows that what is good for one may not be good for another. By the way, Feosol is one of the three supplements that I take and all with my physicians approval. Another is AREDS 2 for my AMD, and the other is Melatonin for restful sleep.
I got my list of supplements from the kidney disease solution program by Duncan Capicchiano. Also some from research I’ve done myself. I started out ESRD 4 years ago and have managed to slow the disease. Still not on dialysis. Doctor told me that’s unusual. Prayers for you. God can do anything!😀
Your kidney and the nephrons inside continuously work to remove substances from the blood. Nephron, functional unit of the kidney, the structure that actually produces urine in the process of removing waste and excess substances from the blood. I have a diseased kidney and it needs all the help I can give it to filter out what it can. When you say, "I'm trying to use less meds and more natural ways to help my body" in my opinion you are adding more substances for the kidney to remove. Cutting back on Potassium in your diet and Phosphorus and drinking the amount of water your doctor suggests is the best way to go. Cut back on protein as well. Best of luck on your journey.
When it comes to anemia and kidney disease there is one fact that I learned. It is common for us to have anemia. This because there is a hormone given off by the kidneys called erythropoetin. This hormone is given out when the number of Red Blood Cells (RBC) are low in the blood stream. The hormone goes to the bone marrow, stimulates RBC to mature and release into the blood stream. My Hemoglobin level was 9.6 and I was tired all the time (hemoglobin should be above 10.0). So they gave me 5 liters of iron infusion over 10 weeks, which is more powerful than taking Ferrous Sulfate OTC. The drip takes about 15 minutes. Then I was given shots of a synthetic kidney hormone called Procrit (about $335.00 a shot medicare charges $64.00). Now I get a shot every month or so and my hemoglobin level is 10.6 to 11.3. I now have more energy. There is warning that if your hemoglobin goes above 13.6 on Procrit you can have a stroke.