Wow I have recently found your site and I truly believe it is the best one I am in stage 3b and trying to stay there .I am from Nova Scotia,Canada and I am working on going mostly all plant based and have to learn not to eat sweets..altho my potassium is within the normal range I will begin watching it .I just ate a HEALTHY CHOICE frozen meal and now see that it has 680 mg potassium --not good......thanks one and all for the awesome posts..
NEW : Wow I have recently found your site and... - Kidney Disease
Yes some of the Healthy Choice meals might not be so healthy for those of us with CKD and on renal diets. Good you are being pro-active and watching what you eat. In addition to potassium my diet limits sodium and phosphorus.
Sodium and frozen foods, in general, are somethings you should also avoid. You might like to go to and take a look at the modules and learn what you need to know about CKD.
Also, this is the time to begin tracking your past blood/urine labs to help you and then your Care Team spot any trends in your labs that are either above or below the norms.
Additionally, watch your medications for anything that is counter-productive to someone with CKD. I use to check out any meds before I agree to take them. Doctors need to be reminded of your health issues at all times to prevent you from taking something, not in your health interest.
You didn’t share your diagnosis with us but that is ok. Kidney disease must be taken very seriously. Being proactive is essential to controlling it. Diet is a part of the process but a sound exercise program is also wise. It is also important to research all of your options. Kidney disease is a progressive disease and I encourage you to make sure you learn all you can about preemptive kidney transplant. Educating yourself on transplant could spare you from going on dialysis. Taking good care of yourself is of the utmost importance educating yourself on all of your options is a wise move.
I have found that those prepackaged foods that supposedly are good for you are anything but. They are loaded with salt for flavor and other ingredients that are not good for anyone, but especially those of us with CKD. If you like the convenience, its not hard to make your own. Every time you make a meal, make more of it and then freeze in portions for what you would have later. I make salad for the next few days. By keeping the things like peppers and cukes separate and in small bags until I was ready, it would keep the lettuce from going bad. Then I just take what I want for each meal. Also wash the lettuce with out breaking it up will keep it fresh for days. I cook more than enough meat (for my husband and veggies for me) and other things like rice and so forth and then just put together my meal when I need it. Works great and I know what I am eating.