How can I reverse kidney disease?
Is kidney disease reversible : How can I... - Kidney Disease
Is kidney disease reversible

Sadly, CKD is not reversible but it can be slowed down. Stop smoking, cut down on alcohol, switch to a kidney-friendly diet and get as much exercise as is possible for you. It's definitely a lifestyle change. But then, what major illness isn't?
Good response. Agree with you. My Doctor also told me was not reversible, but progression can be slowed down.
Yolly-D, it also depends on the kind of Kidney disease you have. Some types of nephrotic syndrome can go into remission on their own or through medication. My cousin went on cortisteroids many years ago for 6 months and has been in remission ever since. This is not common, but is possible in certain cases.

If you are in chronic kidney disease (over years) then generally it can be managed through diet, exercise and perhaps medication to a "slow" progression. If it is acute, it is possible to reverse it in some cases. Blessings
My husband has been treated for Membranous Nephropathy all this year. It is a type of Nephrotic Syndrome. He is now considered "in remission" because he no longer has proteinuria. His treatment was a drug called Cyclosporin. His GFR has steadily declined, but the Nephro says it will likely return to somewhat normal once he finishes weaning from the medicine. So CKD can be reversed, depending on the cause. Hopefully, his GFR will then remain stable in a higher stage (currently 3b)