Hello,I have stage 4 kidney disease and I'm on the list for a transplant. I also suffer from high anxiety and I am a bit of a hypochondriac..there are plenty of things that freak me out1.)My kidneys which gave me highblood pressure gives me more risk of a heart attack.2) Dying on the operating table 3.)Waking up while they do surgey3.) My body not taking the organ. 4.)Unable to go back camping or going on long hikes....I am sure many have felt the same,I just thought you like to know me a bit more and any advice will help.
Hi: Hello,I have stage 4 kidney disease and... - Kidney Disease
Hi and Welcome
1) My high blood pressure was a contributing factor to my developing CKD. Don't worry about the possibility of a heart attack right now. Worry about what your kidneys ARE doing to you now. You've already begun to take steps by having yourself on the transplant list.
2) Dying on the operating table is only one way to go. I thought about that as well and I figured at least I won't die alone unless the doctors and nurses all take a break at the same time. Also, look at death as a very good way of cutting back on your expenses.
3) Ask them to also give you a sleeping pill prior to surgery and you won't wake up in the middle of it. As far as your body rejecting the organ that may be a good thing. Your body knows if the organ is a good fit or not and the doctors are only making an educated guess. I mean all they are going on is years and years of research, testing, and experience. If it doesn't work they can try and find you a better match.
4) You can still go camping and hiking. I do. I have an RV (27 ft. travel trailer) parked in my driveway and 4 and 1/2 acres of land behind it for hiking and birding. If my pond overflows in spring I can even go swimming in my yard. I do have to be more careful when I hike in the yard now. I used to leave a trail of breadcrumbs in the yard to follow back to the house, but the darn birds ate the bread before I got back. Eventually, my dogs came and found me and brought me back to the house.
With all of the health issues you have what are you being a hypochondriac about?
Seriously, severe health issues are scary subjects. Whatever support system you have should help you get through it. Everyone here can help so you've got a great start.
Are you now eating kidney-friendly meals? Where is your GFR at the last testing? Come back often, I have lots of material to share.