Oh, why did I do it!: Why did I start my... - Weight Loss Support

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Oh, why did I do it!

OliveOyl profile image
22 Replies

Why did I start my new eating plan on Christmas Eve? Over Christmas (and after) I was faced with the most delicious cheeses, yes, I am a veggie that eats dairy products and I am a cheese-a-holic to boot!

I love them all, from the cheddar, caerphilly, cheese with walnuts or cranberries in or the gloriously smelly cheeses, I haven't found one out of all I have tried that I don't like. Not only was I faced with all this cheese at Christmas but I was also sent home with all the cheese my family doesn't like, which is everything apart from cheddar and red leicester!

Now, do I eat it or throw it? Eat it of course!!

Today I got on my scales, opened one eye and looked.....I had stayed the same! I am still 15st 10lb. It would have been nice to lose some but I'm happy with that result

Ok, chin(s) up, I am now cheese-less so I start again

Big congratulations to all those who lost weight over the Christmas and to those who, (like me,) didn't lose any......we will be big on losing in 2018!

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OliveOyl profile image
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22 Replies

Don't go wasting good cheese :D from one cheese a holic to another :D just weigh it and count the calories into your daily allowance and ENJOY it :)

Is Friday going to be your weigh in day? if so pop over to the Friday weigh in and join in there - this can be found in the Events section ;)

Glad you had a lovely Christmas and well done on your maintain that is brilliant :)

OliveOyl profile image
OliveOyl in reply to

Errrmm, what a fool I am!

I though it was Saturday, no, I have not been drinking, maybe TOO much cheese over the holiday

I started my new eating plan on Saturday so should be weighing in tomorrow, I will weigh myself again tomorrow and see what the result is then. Oh cracker10, thank you for your post or I would have been weighing in on all sorts of days

Now, I need your guidance. I can see Weigh-in information under topics but can't see an Events section on the right so can you point me in the right direction please and where do I find the little smilies

I think my brain is still under my pillow, I'm not usually like this........I blame the cheese for that!

in reply to OliveOyl

Hi OliveOyl are you on a phone or laptop etc? We suggest if on a phone you don't use the app but go in via google or Chrome etc

All the information to navigate the site can be found in the Newbie Club link I gave you in your first post :) But as it's Christmas here's the link again ;) healthunlocked.com/nhsweigh...

You will also find in the Newbie Club link a FAQ's link - hope this helps

I look forward to seeing you in the weigh in tomorrow :)

OliveOyl profile image
OliveOyl in reply to

Thank you cracker10

OliveOyl profile image
OliveOyl in reply to

Oh, I am on a laptop at present but sometimes use the phone for a quick reply. Am off to the right place now

Tiggerr profile image

There's not really a bad time to start living healthily OliveOyl . At least it's got you thinking about what to do with all this cheese. Plus even if it helps you reduce the amount that you would normally eat, that will help.

I know the problem you're facing as our friends provided the cheese part of the xmas meal and left it all here... and it was/is a lot. I've portioned them up and frozen them. The biscuits I packed off with my parents.

PurpleLass profile image
PurpleLass in reply to Tiggerr

Can't believe I have never thought of freezing cheese!! Thanks so much for the tip 😊

Tiggerr profile image
Tiggerr in reply to PurpleLass

There's bound to be things you know that I can learn. One of the great things about this forum.

IndigoBlue61 profile image

Well done a ‘Stay the Same’ over Christmas, OliveOyl there’s many of us would wish for that 😊

I’m with you on the cheese, I allow myself a little really nice cheese each day, but I believe you can freeze cheese? I’m sure someone will advise

Have a good second week 😊

OliveOyl profile image
OliveOyl in reply to IndigoBlue61

Thank you! I have just been asked by cracker10 if Friday is my weight in....it's not! I should be weighing myself tomorrow, oh dear, too much cheese

You can freeze cheese and I do, I buy the 30% less fat grated cheese and weigh it each time I have it. I find it better for when I grate it I eat it so need to grate more, with ready grated I just weigh and don't over eat it....usually

Another thing I do is only butter one slice of bread when making a sandwich, not as good as no butter but far less calories than buttering both slices. With Ryvita I butter the 'flat' side, the other side is a disaster, the butter goes into the 'holes'

I do all the good things so should be the same shape as Olive Oyl!

Have a good day

IndigoBlue61 profile image
IndigoBlue61 in reply to OliveOyl

Some great tips there OliveOyl and I am so with you on the butter, I prefer just a small amount of butter rather than low fat spread. 😊

Beechnuts profile image
Beechnuts in reply to IndigoBlue61

Yes you can freeze cheese but it does change texture, becomes more crumbly and difficult to slice.

Chandelia profile image

Hiya, another cheeseaholic here. My brother brought me a deli food hamper for xmas this year, including cheese! Bless. So I've portioned it up and frozen it - no impulse snacking from the fridge now possible. And I get to enjoy it for longer! I also won a tub of quality street at a work party - they were very popular when I took them into a local charity shop and put them on the counter for their customers/staff. Didn't want them in the house: know your enemy!😊

IndigoBlue61 profile image
IndigoBlue61 in reply to Chandelia

Very sensible Chandelia and I’m sure much appreciated 😊

James40Cheshire profile image

I would not be disappointed with a STS at all, it is much better than I managed :D I also wouldn't do without cheese, just work it into your calories as it isn't a bad choice. Well done for your restraint over Christmas.

OliveOyl profile image

Chandella, I had a mad moment and decided to use cheese in everything I ate and get rid of it before tomorrow when I do my weigh-in so I would start afresh

You can keep the chocolates, not my thing, or cakes and biscuits. So why am I so overweight? It's a mystery to me because my GP tells me I'm not eating enough and I feel I am so I decided counting calories might be better than all these other diets I've tried

I am surprised at the amount I am supposed to have and think I'm going to struggle eating that..........could do it with cheese all the time.......only joking!

Beechnuts profile image
Beechnuts in reply to OliveOyl

Ha ha , yes I’m a bit of a cheeseaholic as well, so I tend to buy a very strong one and grate a little over a salad, yummy, Yesterday at my sons for meals , he is a great bread maker, beautiful poppy seededbread at tea time and out came the Boursin, wow lovely ! made a bit of a pig of myself ,whoops.

OliveOyl profile image
OliveOyl in reply to Beechnuts

yummmy beautiful bread and boursin, I can taste it now lilly657.

If I was to grate cheese I would have some while I grated and probably end up eating twice as much in the end so I buy strong pre-grated, I just need to weigh it then

I just can't be trusted when cheese is around!

Beechnuts profile image
Beechnuts in reply to OliveOyl

I know the feeling, I’m a country girl (old) and prefer a ploughman’s and salad rather than a cooked meal, If we go out.

I officially started on here early November but many things happened,hubby hospital them me Ill,then had to go to daughters to look after grandchildren have been full of a cold ever since so I will have to start again on Monday weigh in.

Good luck with your journey, will keep an eye out for your posts. I have about 7 stone to loose....

OliveOyl profile image

I'm another oldie that just loved ploughman's! I started my current journey on 24th Dec so do my proper weigh-in tomorrow

I would like to lose 6 stone but would be happy with 5,5 stone, I'm aiming at around 2lb per week but what I want I don't always get. Good luck with your journey too and I will also look out for your posts

IndigoBlue61 profile image

Music to our cheese-loving ears 😊

PurpleLass profile image

I'm with you in the cheese lover's club and understand your pain completely 🤣

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