Too tired to exercise : The past week... - Weight Loss Support

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Too tired to exercise

Hannah21 profile image
19 Replies

The past week has been hectic with work, putting in over time and going in on the weekends to help with our new office move, but since then I feel so lethargic. I can’t find the motivation to exercise. Maybe I shouldn’t be so hard on myself because atleast I’m sticking to my diet. Is there any positive things people can shoot my way, or is it the case of, get off your bum and move! 😂🙈

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Hannah21 profile image
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19 Replies
Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI

Hi Hannah21 ,

Sometimes life gets hectic, and it sounds like it is hectic for you at the moment, with all that extra stuff on the weekend as well as your work. Doing overtime is tiring! Give yourself permission to relax and recuperate - do something relaxing! That would be my suggestion, and well done for sticking to your eating plan - I hope that you have a great week.

Zest :-) xx

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone

Weight loss is more about what you eat, than how much exercise you do and if you force yourself, when you're feeling exhausted, you'll put yourself right off it and may even make yourself ill.

You're allowed time off! :)

VickyDLM profile image
VickyDLM2 stone

I think Zest and Moreless are right: if you're exhausted you need to rest!

I think it's positive you're sticking to your diet and that you made it through all the extra time at work. :)

Hannah21 profile image

Thanks guys! When I feel I’ve got abit more energy I’ll get back on the exercise wagon!

I think I’m coming down with something too, so that could be a contributing factor!

Appreciate your kind words and wisdom everyone!

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Hannah21

You take care of yourself, Hannah. xx

IndigoBlue61 profile image
IndigoBlue61 in reply to Hannah21

Tackett care Hannah21 😊

Ceals profile image

Lots of office moving is also lots of exercise Hannah and the most important thing is eating properly and well. So if you are doing that be well pleased with yourself.

Hannah21 profile image

Thanks so much guys! This site is the best place to be in times where you feel a little rubbish! Your words are very much appreciated xx

Bikergrl profile image

I agree with all these clever people... You sound like you are moving around enough at the mo with work don't be so hard on yourself for feeling tired, its cold out (UK) your body naturally wants to go somewhere warm and protect itself by doing very little, I say pop to the shop for some Radox, politely tell everyone to leave you alone for a few hours, have a two hour long bath until your nice and wrinkly and 'allow' yourself some time off from... well... everything!

are you getting enough vitamins in your diet? I know I probably sound like your mum/doctor but it effects me if I stop eating fruit and veg I get really tired, try one or two smoothies or pieces of fruit, and no one believes me on this but I find adding cinnamon to things gives me energy or ginger if you don't mind the taste :p

Hope this helps x

Hannah21 profile image
Hannah21 in reply to Bikergrl

I do try to keep fruit in my diet, I could add more though so I’ll give I a try! Thankyou :) x

SilverSpeed profile image

I wish I could exercise this week I have a back injury myself but I hope to get back too it next week.

Don't forget when your putting the crazy work hours in at the moment you might have to adjust when you can when the hours become shorter.

Don't feel bad you can't because of work commitments.

Always hard to get out when the weather is starting to get cold BUT once you are out of the door, all dressed up warm, nothing beats a winter walk!! The first few minutes can be tough but then the feel good endorphins start and you feel pleased that you made the effort! Even a 15 minute walk ‘round the block’ will help. Maybe walk with a buddy? We have a Sunday afternoon walking group in our village, started with 2 of us, now can be as many as 18 plus dogs! Last weeks walk was spectacular with the autumn colours. We dont break any speed records but regularly do 2 hours and about 5 miles. Before I retired I used to walk at lunchtime - easy to eat at your desk especially if you are busy. Don’t be too hard on yourself though, little and often would be my advice!

Hannah21 profile image
Hannah21 in reply to

Thankyou! X

Warwicker profile image

I don’t necessarily agree that exercise doesn’t contribute much to weight loss. Calories burned when ‘moving’ really do add up over a week and can help shift, and keep off, those extra pounds Hannah. Do not beat yourself up about this but I remember feeling just like you when I was working and how, surprisingly, exercise made me feel energised. I’d be totally exhausted and then, because I said I’d go for a walk with a friend, I’d have to FORCE myself out of the door, only to come back feeling great, tiredness all gone.


Hannah21 profile image
Hannah21 in reply to Warwicker

To be fair when I used to make myself take the dogs for a walk I did feel good afterwards!

It’s not like the work I’ve been doing isn’t physical as it’s been lifting carrying etc..

but I shall keep this in mind. Thankyou!

Warwicker profile image

X-posts Russel 👍🏽

Bernieis8 profile image

Remember that exercise is extra activity

On top of all the energy consumed just by being

If you are extra busy then you may well be using up some extra energy

However it is uplifting to feel you have an exercise routine and good for morale so it is not surprising you miss that feeling

I absolutely agree about the virtues of a short brisk walk

It also clears the head yours must be buzzing

Hannah21 profile image
Hannah21 in reply to Bernieis8

Very true! When I used to take my dogs out everyday without fail, I did make me feel better!

I’m not feeling to well at the moment and don’t want to run myself into the ground, maybe that’s why I’ve felt the energy gone! But I shall be sure to get back on it ASAP! Thankyou! :)

TooManyLbs profile image

First of all you have to pat yourself on the back for doing so well with the diet side of things. I hope you're not 'coming down' with an illness. But if you remain concerned about not meeting your exercise goals, I think that I have something positive to add. Working on the belief that energy is a 'supply & demand' thing. The more you demand, (on a regular basis), the more your body will supply. So, even when we're exhausted maybe a little exercise is a good idea in the long term. But how do we achieve it when all we want to do is sit down and relax? I guess the first way is: don't sit down in the first place. Tough yes, but for me it works. But this isn't as bad as it seems. There's an old Chinese way of approaching this; you only have to do ONE, just ONE of something. Yes just one, (and it works!). So, when you get home from that awfully long day and all you can think of is flopping in a chair as you richly deserve, don't. Choose something from your exercise regime and do one, just one or just one minute of say marching on the spot. For instance; I only take my coat off and then I do one minute of marching on the spot before I do anything else. Before you know it, you'll be doing one and a half minutes, then 2. Then you realise that actually you could do 5 minutes of a work out routine or 5 or 10 minutes of interval training before you sit down or get on with preparing the meal or whatever else you have to do. It helps to remember that you also deserve good health as well as that sit down. Here's a 10 minute interval training vid. I started with 2 mins of this. The presenter's laughter may annoy some, but you could always cut the sound. I wish you all the very best. Just one! Soon leads on to more. Good luck :)

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