re :Social Care
Even if extra funding given still wouldn't sort out as the Government [ Treasury] and LAs discriminate before assess with the unqualified on remits e.g.: Occupational therapists .And our representatives allow this to happen ? Democratic?
It has happened to me 4x here and in London As I tried to prove the case by applying for DLA when targetted physically out of employment with another LA when NHS policies [ antibiotic & specialist referral re : disability ] were cut byThatcher .The Expert witnesses I had were horrified but also could do nothing & one was German & Legal.The system [ call centre] . just maligned me
This caused heart failure eventually yet still no assistance even though was given a Certificate of Entitlement after had to die 3x revived with angioplasty when had the cardiac arrest[ MI] 10 yrs ago .And still it goes on.
Ask why no Dr is in charge in LAs & full time , as they know the system is unethical that is why they are no longer taking the Hippocratic oath working in public & private sectors not allowing second opinions or appropriate treatment for the chronic until too late .Reducing lifespans & quality.Many especially from abroad are allowing themselves to be contracted in .So do as directed.Several have told me their hands are tied.
Am I supposed to being looked after by technicians not addressing the medical yet financed by companies selling devices which do not show the problem when not fully diagnosed or treated - with oxygen withheld .
When Insurance companies exclude or not honour if you have pre-existing conditions this is not acceptable. The LAs are now trying to equate lack of care with their Commissioning direction & non provision especially for Women e.g. : ignore oedema when heart & it becomes lips- lymphoedema then prevent by only provision provided by a Macmillan Nurse in a hospice and pretend rest is cosmetic like the dental sector .
If you try to take this up with Healthwatch you ares sent legal letters to which CAB collude knowing funding depends on their towing their line.