I am not sure that this is the right site post this, but I have been virtually wandering around the NHS site and am a bit confused. I am looking after my Mother who lives with me. She is a British citizen who is a landed immigrant in Canada. She came to me about 14 years ago from there. She is getting to the point where she is needing more care than I can give her. I can't sponsor her because I don't make enough money. (we are in the US right now.) There is some issue about her landed immigrant status as she has been out of Canada for 14 years. (still working on that one) She wants to return to England for her nursing care. She has relatives there still although not any who would take on caring for her inhome. She would need a nursing home. She has a pension from England but very little disposable income. Can anyone point me in the right direction of who I can talk to about all this? I need to know if it is possible she can end her days in Care in England, closer to her family there.