Well I had a nasty fall on February 4 got a concussion that’s verified badly bruised ribs just found out I have scoliosis so I’m just like shocked and my leg has to heal the checking it for by the RN came in and put it to you being a thing on because you can’t put no pressure on it till the swelling goes down but I am optimistic and I am going to keep on the trucking.
The results from my x-rays of my big fall - Neuropathy Support
The results from my x-rays of my big fall

Did you have an X-ray? Scoliosis is quite common as you get older as it just means a slightly twisted spine usually in the lower back. I have been diagnosed with that as well in my lower back. My doctor did not seem that worried about it but physio may help you if you have pain. Hope you are feeling a little better now but it was a nasty fall and it takes time to heal. Take care xxx
Hi Franklin
Sending you healing prayers love gentle gentle hugs and kisses.
Hope you recover soon sweetie.
EJ 😊🌿🌸🦋🌿🤗♥️🥰😇🕊
Ty honeybug my dear friend! I send you great big hugs 🤗 and lots of prayers your way my dear sweet friend. Take care of you sweetie god bless you amen 🙏
Welcome sweetie.
I just read your reply to Karjade. I’m sorry you have so many more injuries that you forgot to tell me about.
I just said a special prayer for you dear. I hope you will recover from everything and that everyone will be kind and understanding with your concussion problems.
You take care and remember I care about and love you dear.
Ty Karjade! Yes for years my G. P. Told me I had a curved spine and when I had my fall had so many X-rays that I was told I had scoliosis of the spine. Now they think I have a blood clot in my left leg with the knee that broke 4x and on this X-ray it showed the very progressive Ostio I have compartmental syndrome in my knee and it was so bad they weren’t sure as they couldn’t tell for sure or not. Yes I have a R. N. That comes and Occupational therapist, my physio therapist, I got rail just at top part of bed , shower bench and they had a belt on me yesterday walking up and down stairs. Today very sore. Yes it’s a lot, but you’re right as time is the healer and my daily exercise the physio therapist taught me to help strengthen hip knee etc. I very off balance. I frustrated over concussion as I been forgetful and apparently repeating myself and people close to me are getting angry rolling their eyes. I can’t help that I fell and got a concussion whiplash a lot of injuries. Ty for sharing and I hope you’re doing good and staying positive and hugs 🤗 and prayers your way amen 🙏