Well my blood sugar is under control for six months and my neuropathy is so bad right now that I was crying last night so bad my hands were on fire and so painful and my legs were cramping my feet my arms I am a right hand of the leaves in the use of that it’s getting worse and worse as my GP to send me to neurologist but she still hasn’t so I’m gonna ask my pain doctor to do that is it a neurologist should be the one to help but I am going staying active again today it said new day but last night was the most suffering I ever felt today I’m so exhausted. These Attacks have been happening almost daily now and getting worse and worse I can’t even play my guitar anymore I can’t use my keyboard hi Jay I am down right now with these attacks but I’m not giving up or not I’m going on my daily routine just like all of you and I just want the Lord to watch over everybody and help them and less severe pain’s and have a beautiful day amen 🙏
Neuropathy attacks: Well my blood sugar... - Neuropathy Support
Neuropathy attacks

Sooo sorry sweetie that you’re suffering so with your neuropathies. I have them bad too so I understand what you’re going through.
I just said a special prayer for you dear. I pray that you’ll get into the neurologist soon and get treatment
God bless you and meet your every need sweetie.
Hugs kisses and prayers and love dear franklin.
EvaJo 😊🌿🌸🦋😊🤗♥️🥰😇🕊
Eva jo you are such a blessing and yes we sure do understand each other. May the lord comfort you and heal you and bless you with no pain in Jesus Christ name we pray amen 🙏 🌸🌈🌷🌈🍄🥰🌟🌟🌟💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼💃💃❤️👍👍🌹🌹🌹🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🍁🍁🍁🍁🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺⭐️⭐️⭐️😎😎😎🌟🌟🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗😂😂😂😂😂🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🍦🌺🌝😋💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼💃💃💃💃💃💃
I read your reply to Karjade
I’m sorry about your neuropathies. Have you tried Gabapentin?? Lidocaine ointment for your feet. They work great. The ointment is messy on the sheets. I switched to Aspercreme with lidocaine OTC. It works great for me at bedtime.
Sending you hugs and love sweetie. 🤗♥️
EJ 😊🙏🥰😇🕊
My feet are unbearable at the moment with the burning and numbness. Given up going to the doctors and my neurologist has discharged me so where do you go from here? I am on Amitriptyline but they do not work except give me a good night's sleep. I am really finding this so hard to live with! xxx
Xxx me to I cry like a baby begging the lord to help and I deep breath, but I recently completed 2 medical Aqua size classes and the water eased the Neuropathy pain. I recommend swimming and hot tub at a pool for pain relief as I do feel quite a bit of relief in my hands arms legs feet, but when I’m not swimming I am in daily agony like all of you and kJarade May the lord comfort you and heal you and lessen your pain and help you be strong 💪🏼 mentally and physically and may he protect and watch over you even in the darkest of times, let him be your light and hope and prayerful hugs 🤗 and may he help us all when we fall and lift us up to his grace and love and warmth. In Jesus Christ name amen 🙏
Hi Karjade
I’m sorry you suffer with your feet and so do I. My top Neurologist here in the USA at University of Michigan prescribed lidocaine ointment. It works great but sooo messy on the sheets.
I found OTC Aspercreme with lidocaine which rubs in quickly and leaves no residue.
I’m also on Gabapentin 1200 mg twice daily and that helps make my neuropathies bearable too.
Hope you’re able to find something comparable to the Aspercreme if you’re not in Canada. You can ask your chemist for a similar product.
Best wishes.
EJ 😊🌿🌸🦋🤗💗😘😇🕊
Hi. I am in the UK and I am trying Hemp Gel. I cannot bear any creams that are hot like Biofreeze as they make my feet much worse. The burning is in both feet and lower legs. Cold water helps so I have always got my feet in a bowl of cold water and then rub on the Hemp gel. Thank you for your kind reply xxxx
hi can u let me know what hemp gel u buy is it online ?
Thank you 😊 Ej yes I do live in Canada 🇨🇦 ty for the tip I will try it out. Many prayers and hugs 🤗 blessings to you my dear and precious friend amen 🙏 🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🍄🍄🍄🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌺🌺🌺🌺😊😊😊🤗🤗🤗🌝🌝😂😎😄👋👍💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼💃💃💃💃
Hi sweetie
Apologies for not answering sooner on the private message hint long ago. I couldn’t find one for your HU site.
If you join the fibromyalgia site we can private message there.
I belong to it and use the private message to chat with many beloved friends.
This site does not allow religious language except in private messaging. Be sure to lock your open forum posts if you make any.
You’re so dear to me sweetie.
I pray that you are doing well overall. How is your weight loss coming? Mine isn’t 😩
But I’m limited mobility mode too. Hard to lose weight like this.
So my precious friend I pray that you have as painless a week a possible and abundant blessings too
Love you sweetie.
EvaJo 😊🌿🌸🦋🙏🤗♥️🥰😇🕊
Hi Eva Joe no problem about that I’ll check into that I’m good to hear from you I am weight loss is it’s gets it’s kind of at a standstill right now I’m just leveled off right now and then but I’m doing the aquasize him and him being in the water is actually helping Sue with the paining from the neuropathy that the burning and stuff when I’m in the water I’m finding so that’s helping but as soon as I go home then it burns and you know the drill and of course you know all my other things I have wrong with me by having a lot of difficulties I’m having problems with my stomach that member I told you it’s opened up in just a thin layer of tissue if it if the pain gets worse I get a little pain in the belly button there and if it gets worse and worse then I have to go to the hospital and I Don’t want that! So how are you doing how’s your pain levels I hope you’re not suffering I hope you’re pain-free here at least I have hardly any and yeah I will check into going into that fibromyalgia group that you’re in so I can message you on there that would be cool. So yeah I’m not on here all the time but I try to be up here and put pictures and music and stuff to inspire people but can’t always be on here every day especially when you know! if you’ve had a rough night. 🙏🙏🤗🤗🤗💪🏼💪🏼🌈🌸🌈🌺🌈🍁🌈🌹🌈🌷🌈🌼🌈🤗🤗🤗😊😊😄😄🌈🌈🍄🍄🍄🥰🥰🌟👋👋👣
I’m sooo glad for you that you’ve lost weight. Everyone hits a plateau at some point.
Just give it a little while then it will start again with a little boost.
I’m in constant pain and will be as I have 60 diagnoses plus 2 pending I’m prediabetic and starting osteoporosis.
So given all of these conditions and most cause pain I’m never free from it but my Gabapentin helps make it tolerable along with the LordGod’s help I endure. I’ve been limited in mobility for 18 months now. I am in my office chair 24/7 it is my wheelchair as my home is too small for an actual wheelchair.
My autoimmune disease destroyed my thyroid and for months I’ve not been able to do much. My doctor has increased my thyroid meds and my blood test In two weeks will reveal how much more meds I need. Some days I’m able to do more than cook the meals. I’m happy about this.
I could write a novel about the all of the problems I’m dealing with but that is depressing to talk about. I usually just use my problem experiences to help others if I can.
I have systemic osteoarthritis especially bad in my hands wrists and total spine.
Makes replying hard and I get behind with everyone.
Sorry I must have missed your belly crisis can you tell me about it so I’ll know how to pray about it for you??!
I’m so happy your aquasize class is helping you. I wish it was helped on dry land too. Keep it up and eventually you’ll loose more weight and that will lessen your suffering hopefully. I know I’m suffering more with my weight gain.
I’ll be glad to chat with you on the PM in the fibromyalgia site. The first 250 characters/letters in your private message is shown in open forum so don’t chat about any private stuff until later in the chat. The staff monitors private message too but we are allowed to talk about religion and the LordGod there without penalties.
In the meantime sweetie you take care and we’ll chat then.
Lots of healing hugs love and prayers.
EvaJo 😊🙏🤗♥️🥰😇🕊
Awe Eva Jo I am so sorry all your fighting, we have some of the same things wrong. If you have questions my friend I am here for you and use your microphone to text. That’s what I do. Prayers and hugs 🤗 the lords protection and warmth and compassion and grace to bless and watch over you my precious dear friend. I will find you in the other group ok 👍 🥰🥰🙏🙏🤗🤗🌈🌈🌈😊😊🌝☀️☀️☀️🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼🌺🌺🌺💃💃💃💃💃💃💃🌟😊😊😊😊😊👋👋👋👣👣👣👣👣👣👣👣👣👣
I have been diagnosed with small fibre neuropathy. It affects my feet, ankles and backs of my thighs. I wasn't able to sleep at nights because of the burning pain. At times the pain was so intense it brought me to tears. For the last 3 months I have been taking 25mg of amitriptyline before going to bed. The burning pain in my feet and ankles has gone and the pain in my thighs is greatly diminished, to the extent I barely notice it. In fact I'm starting to think the pain in my thighs may not be connected to the pain in my feet and ankles, but possibly due to muscle injury. The neurologist I saw was of the opinion that my neuropathy is affected by my mood as no physical cause could be found. Amitriptyline is also prescribed for people with depression so maybe there is a double benefit in my case.
I find it unusual that your doctor hasn't referred you to a neurologist and really hope you can find treatment that will help you.
My doctor doesn’t think a Neurologist can help me as I’ve been to so many in past as I had a non-malignant Pituitary tumor in my brain the size of a walnut and docs spent a year shrinking it. I had the test Neurological does where they do little shocks after putting multiple brain sensor on head to monitor as shocks are given. I had that tumor since 1991 and it grew and I was a mess and no one has even checked to see if it’s back. My gp has become complacent and it’s always double booked and things are just not getting done. I have Lupus too and had a 20 cm tumor attached to my right ovary and had a year and half treatments to shrink it and when it did I had a bad prolapse of the bladder. This is just another reason why my journey is so complex and I’ve been told eventually I will die! However I am not going out without a fight! I wish you many hugs 🤗 and positivity and strength and prayers amen
Which Fibromyalgia site on Facebook? There’s a few. Oh and yes as for my belly crisis, well I was assaulted while on thc and going for treatments to shrink the non-malignant tumor that was 20cm big (size of a watermelon) and the shrunk it then my bladder prolapsed. I was assaulted left for dead and my insides left with bowel obstruction and so many adhesions ( scar tissue) that’s woven through the abdomen like a spider web and I had a hernia-abdominal wall repair in 2009 and the surgeon who put in the mesh, well it’s floating inside my abdomen catching on things painful. The worst is 2 years ago my abdomen wall opened up inside and my insides are basically ready to fall out and can be quite painful torture. I look like I’m pregnant as my belly is so swollen bloated and painful as the abdomen opened right up and now there’s just a thin layer of tissue protecting my internal organs and so I must wear what’s called an abdominal binder ( It’s a stretchy medical wrap that goes around my belly and it Velcro’s together and it’s tight and secure so I can walk.) I also can’t go to bathroom normal and docs see and are concerned about the fast growth of this hernia. I have the lord went through 6 years every week for therapy with a awesome therapist who helped me change my life to adapt and heal myself, as I almost died, but the lord saved me. I overcame it and have learned to live and adapt around it. 💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼🙏🙏🙏🙏🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗👣👣👣