Hullo. Admin have suggested I post here. I have RA, thankfully under control. Have been able, via my super Rheumatology Consultant, to establish that all my pain is coming from lower back, where the nerves are being crushed resulting in intense leg pain - which is already in the pipeline for investigation.
I have had a prelim. appt with Registrar, who was shocked by picture - the more so because I am supple on his manual tests due to daily pilates exercises, which may put me down the queue for next step. I am to have another MRI scan (which frightens me, have requested an open scanner). So it is all v longwinded, but I am still grateful for everything. I take Pregabalin 75mgs x twice daily, Etoricoxib 90mgs daily and prescrip Codeine 30mgs x 3times a day. Nothing seems to touch the pain.
An important complication is c. o. p. d - spent many weeks in Respiratory unit this spring with severe pneumonia. They were unable to establish cause; am awaiting follow up with X-ray & poss CT scan. Lungs obviously weak as recent cold went straight to my chest, resulting in MORE antibiotics & steroids!
So, three distinct conditions. Would appreciate feedback on successful (!) pain meds, and from anyone who's had the surgery. I am informed that my back cannot be helped, but hopefully the legs. Although I sound like an absolute crock, I actually enjoy a number of sociable interests & activities - or would do if the pain would abate!
Many thanks for reading this long post. Best wishes.