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Planning pregnancy after repeated miscarriage

MesserUndGabel profile image
6 Replies

Hi, I have some questions that I am hoping you can advice on:

I have had two early miscarriages, one at nine weeks and one just one day before reaching twelve weeks. I don't know the cause, but am worried that stress due to my work could have contributed.We are planning to try again, but I am really worried about staying at work (6days a week, I teach in a secondary school) during pregnancy even though I wish to return to work afterwards. In my home country women who work in schools or hospitals for example are often routinely signed off work from three months of pregnancy as these jobs are considered high risk. Is there any similar possibility in the state sector in England or is Maternity Leave my only option? I realise that ML only starts at eleven weeks before birth at the earliest. Also do two miscarriages automatically class a new pregnancy as high-risk? And any thoughts on taking low-dose aspirin as a preventative meassure if we don't know the cause for the miscarriages? Could the fact that my husband had cancer as a child be a cause for my miscarriages? Thanks for your help as I am growing wary of committing to a new pregnancy!

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MesserUndGabel profile image
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6 Replies
cielo34 profile image

Hi, I 'think' you'll only be considered high risk after a third miscarriage; I think that's the NHS guidelines. Did you have the other two screened for genetics? That would obviously help your questions. As well as 75mg baby aspirin, Clexane, low dose steroids or other immune treatment may help... Or it may just have been bad luck. Have a look on a website called for the immune route. And make sure you're vitamin D levels are ok. Good luck.

SSKhan profile image

Hi, sorry to hear about your miscarriages. unfortunately as per NHS guidelines only after 3 losses they consider it as recurrent miscarriages and investigate. However don't lose heart as I had 2 early losses, the hospital did not investigate as it was not within protocol. However my GP was kind enough to trigger investigations and I was tested positive for lupus anticoagulant. This was good enough for the EPU to put me on fertility meds and heparin to support the pregnancy, have a 12 week daughter now. Talk to your GP about investigating and ask for a referral to the EPU for early support in pregnancy. Keep the faith and in no time you will be mum. Take care

sandie13 profile image

Hi, i am sorry to hear about your miscarraiges. First of all you need to speAk to your GP so they can statt doing tests. It is very unfortunate that in the England they only start taking you seriously after you have 3 miscarraiges but you can maybe try and convince your doctor to do some of the basics tests, the aspirin is also given to people who has tendency for blood clotting but they need to do a test to confirm that so dont take anything before they check. Although miscarraiges are very common most of the time stress is a very big factor and please if you decided to try again try to stay stress free, maybe taking time of work so you can grieve for your loss and maybe do some acupunture too. That helps quite a lot with your stress levels. i dont think your partner early illness can affect your fertility but again do ask your gp before trying again. I wish you tons of good wishes, i have experienced miscarraiges myself and know how terrible they are but hope is there and please stay positive!

SilkeP profile image

Hi there,

I've not had any miscarriages so I'm not entirely sure how this aspect is dealt with on the NHS, but I am a secondary school teacher. We've had a LOT of pregnant women over the last couple of years but all stayed until the very end, I was in the classroom with very little sympathy from my line manager until 38 weeks. In my home country women go on maternity leave a lot earlier (everyone has to stop working at 34 weeks) but unfortunately here in the UK this isn't the case. Teaching until 38 weeks was tough... If you have concerns though or are unwell you can get signed off work though, but not for weeks and weeks at a time (unless I guess you are in hospital or not supposed to get up anymore etc). My work colleague had two miscarriages, she's not pregnant with the third one but teaching full time as normal, as far as I know she has no special arrangements.

When I was pregnant with my first one I had so much stress, including Ofsted coming in when I was eight weeks, I was really concerned but for me all went well despite early bleeding. Stress certainly isn't good for you though, so I think if you want to stay in your job the best you can do is try and keep as calm as possible. Maybe even do some yoga or Pilates (helped me), but in terms of rights I don't think there is much unfortunately.

All the best!

SilkeP profile image
SilkeP in reply to SilkeP

She's *now

Highlandlass22 profile image

I have not heard that stress in the first trimester can cause miscarriage, I have had a number of miscarriages and large amounts of stress and our 19 week old daughter is doing really well. Talk to your gp that might be able to put your mind at rest and may be able to do tests. Most of all try to relax, I know its hard but its worth it. Also don't do anything or take anything without docs or midwifes say so there may be risks you may not be aware of. Good luck

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