Baby in own room?: Hey everyone, some... - Pregnancy and Par...

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Baby in own room?

24 Replies

Hey everyone, some more of your wisdom please!

Baby is 4 months and about to go into cot as outgrown Moses basket.

Mum and HV think I should move cot to our room until he's at least 6 months old. I think it makes more sense to move him to cot and own room at same time? Weve been using his nursery and cot for nappy changes, dressing etc since he was born so he is familiar with the surroundings.

What ages did you move your little ones?

24 Replies

Hey!! Hugo is 6 months on 28th December. We are moving him once he has turned 6 months. His crib has been a tight fit for him for weeks now and we considered moving him at 4 months but after speaking to a family friend who is a MW she strongly advised keeping him with us for 6 months as all the research strongly supports that them hearing mum and dads breathing helps to regulate theirs and therefore prevents cot death.

It's really up to you and what you are comfortable with, I know some girls that had babies in their own room from 1month and nothing has happened, but after 6 months the risk of SIDS is hugely reduced.

Rather than moving his main cot into your room, how about using a travel cot? If you don't yet have one and have limited space like us, you can get some excellent compact ones!

Hope this helps! Xx

Some people move them earlier cos the noise babies make. .. they say from six months but of u have a monitor and sensor pad then that's more reassuring. ... my son will be in with me for a long time as we have no where to put him! But I do keep my kids in my room til they are about 15 months + till they are ready to go into their own bed! I like to keep them close when they are small :)

Hey my boy has been in his cot for over a month having outgrown his moses basket. He is currently still in my room and as I live with my mum he was going to be in with me until we moved out in the summer....which wasn't ideal anyway. However, it seems we may be moving into our own place in a couple of weeks and he will be 4 and a half months so I am just gona try him in his own room straight away with use of a monitor just to see how he goes and so he doesn't get disturbed every day by us going to bed and daddy going to work at the crack of dawn. If he's ok with it, then that's great! If not, I'll move him into my room for a couple more months. Do what you feel is right for you guys x

We r gona put finley in his own room after xmas..he will b nearly 4 months...he has nearly out grown his basket and the cot doesn't fit in our room so we dont hav much choice. I don't expect it to b easy at first but I am goin bk to work in feb and will b getting up at 3am so he needs to b out of our room. Do what suits u...if it doesn't work u will just hav to keep him x

Hey ladies, thanks for all your advice. I've been doing some reading re: SIDS this afternoon and I've made up my mind that I'm not comfortable moving him before 6 months. Whilst the stats are quite low I'm just not prepared to take a chance. I read quite a few things I didn't know (especially re monitors) so def recommend if you haven't already (not nice but best to be informed). Our cot bed is huge so think I'm going to use travel cot in our room for next 8 weeks (thanks rachgibson!!). Thanks again everyone!

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Really glad it's helped!! Sids scares the life out of me, so I just made myself aware of the basics as I'd never sleep if I read everything! Just out of interest, what did you find re monitors? Xx

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To be honest I am envisaging not being able to sleep without him at first anyway so bet he will be in my room until 6 months.....I personally would not have considered even slightly putting him into his own room when we moved if he was younger than 4 and a half months anyway, but like I said I may see how it goes as we don't get disturbed by him but rather he gets disturbed by us lol. Like everyone I am concerned about the possibility of SIDS, however, I try to keep my baby as safe as you can about those things...although they don't really know what causes it. I just try not to over worry about everything, or I'd never sleep again haha! x

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And yes....if you can say what you found out about monitors...I'm intrigued too lol x

Nothing terrible re: monitors so don't panic! Just says that there's no evidence to suggest that monitors help prevent it. Not quite sure about it as the sensor pads detect if they stop breathing but I guess it's what happens once the alarm goes off? What do you do then? Not something I want to think about too much but my only comfort was the fact that the monitor would help.

Obviously I'm not trying to scare anybody and as rachgibson says all you can do is know the basics and be aware.

I've got so used to having him near by I probably still won't want to let him go when he's 2!!! Hopefully he will def be in his own room by then!!

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Or awkward would that be lol!! x

Both my friends put all their babies (4 in total) in their own rooms from 1 month old and said it's the best thing they did. Can't imagine it though, they're so tiny!!!

Aw yh 1 mth I'd never be able to do!! Too diddy!! Oh right...cheers for sharing what you found out :-) I didn't wanna start looking things up myself coz it can do your brain in can't it lol x

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Yes def agree it can send you a little crazy!! Step away from the internet!

I've had to stop myself using my phone at night when I feed LO as I'm often trawling the internet for random things when I should be sleeping...It was Xmas jumpers at 4am night before last!!

Yeah thanks for sharing!! Our monitor is excellent but I'm a light sleeper and wake several times a night and am re assured by hearing his breathing, which obviously you can't hear on the "other side" of the monitor! As for sensor pads, I'm just not sure about them. As you say, how do you deal with the situation if it does go off (and it isn't a false alarm which I heard can happen a lot!) Even with all the first aid courses I've dine in my life, with my own child I think I'd just go into blind panic!! Xx

With the sensor pads they r useless if ur baby moves off it..I hav been putting finley to nap in his cot and when I hav gone to get him he is nowhere near where he was..usually rotated 90 degrees so a sensor pad which aren't tht big wud b useless for us. Most mums say tht when the babies r in their own room its us tht dnt sleep and r in and out all night. X

joda profile image

I was thinking of asking a similar question. We've had John in his big cot for over a week now, yes hes only 10 weeks, yes he looks tiny in it but he sleeps in it and loves it which he didn't in his moses basket as was getting to big and wanted in bed with us all the time. We were wondering about moving him into own room at about four months, not for us but because lately he's been getting really annoyed with daddys night noises. Think we'll just stick it out til 6 months though x

in reply to joda

It's hard isn't it because I think in his self he's ready to go in his own room and def ready for his cot but I just can't get comfortable with the idea after reading about it.

Def each to their own and it's such a personal thing you've got to do whatever makes YOU comfortable. We all need to sleep at night and we won't if we're unhappy or worried!

We we're bought the Angel Care monitor which has a sensor pad. We haven't used it yet and also discovered it's one of the models that has been recalled! Have to decide what to do with that now - think they offer a 'fix' to make it safe to use but agree with comments above re: sensor pads.

I feel happier now we've decided to keep him with us for next 8 weeks and if I'm happy hopefully he will be too!

As ever thanks for all your comments!! Off to Mothercare to see if we can get a travel cot with 20% off!

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Oh my mil bought us a brilliant travel cot from amazon for only 40 quid....the one we were originally gona get was 60quid in the sale! x

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Right I'll get on to Amazon then - my Mum has one but it's an older one and huge! It seems MIL's are good for something then - lol!!!

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Lol! Yep. They have their uses sometimes lol. The instructions were in only French and German though....thank goodness for GCSE languages haha! x

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I knew they taught French at school for a good reason! Managed to pick up a good one in mothercare at half price, was £80 and now £40!

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Good stuff!

Cowgirl7 profile image

Our first made so much noise, and the room was so small she had to be right next to my side of the bed, that we actually only kept her in our room for a couple of months (she was more comfortable in her carry cot in the sitting room than in her Moses basket, so much of those first 2 months were spent on the sofa). When we put her into her cot we actually just placed her in her carry cot inside the cot for a couple of weeks so the change was gradual, then started putting her in the cot itself for daytime naps for a while before moving her into the cot at night, seemed to work well for us.

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