At what age did people start putting there LO’s in there own room and where they sleeping through before you did??
Sleeping in own room: At what age did... - Pregnancy and Par...
Sleeping in own room

For us it was 8 months when she started trying to roll over in her next2me but it was getting too cramped. She’d also just started sleeping through most nights as well and it felt right to move her as her movements woke me up a lot (as I was tuned in from the early days where movement meant time to go make a bottle). I do however know people who moved them out super early (2 weeks) as they didn’t want them in the room so just got up when they needed feeding, or later but before the recommended 6 months (4 months) in that case coming to bed was waking the baby and it was better for them both. I’d say the closer to 6 months the better rather than early due to the SIDS risk but if you go longer there is no issue with it as far as I can see as long as baby is comfortable where they are sleeping 😊 x
We put DS in his own room about 6 and a half months. Yes, he would typically sleep through but had some sleep regressions and had funny nights but, we persisted
We would get him in with us as a last resort but, my husband struggles to sleep when he’s with us as, he worries about both of them fidgeting
Whenever you feel it’s time, it’s always hard no matter what age they when they go in their own room.
Good luck
I was planning on moving her at 6 months, befits I have birth. However she's still feeding several times a night and I totally love having her next to me. I'm now thinking she can stay till she's 16 or ready up go to uni 🙈🤣
We started at 6 months and LG was fine. Was actually better for all of us as we were waking each other up through the night x
We moved house when she was 5 months and took advantage of the change to put her in her own room. She wasn't bothered!! She'd been sleeping through for a while before and we leave all the doors open so we can easily hear her but it's been fine xxx
I was going to ask this as a post as well, so I'm sorry for asking on this one. Me and my LO sleep in the same room but she sleeps in her cot. I haven't got a spare room where I am to move her into a different room, does that have an effect on the baby?
About 5mths with my 1st and about 3 mths with number 2, my second was a much more settled baby I'd put her down awake and she'd just go off.