Hi Guy's.. I'm 55 and at a loss and so are the doc's? for the past few years I've been getting strange aches and pains mainly in my core, but sometimes shoulders, butt, legs, inside knees etc. I also sweat for fun and have fog, no stamina, memory issues and so on.
Before this I managed to split my 6 pack so also have a DR. if the DR came as part of the weakness thing, we'll never know... anyway, what ever it is I have appears to like the fact I have a weakness there and plays on it a lot.
Right now, my mid back is stiff and aches for fun.. slight nipping also. My bottom back aches and gives me pain when standing so can't stand or walk for long.. but I think the worst right now is my diaphragm which appears to be 1/2 strength or stiff like the rest of my muscles. but means I can't breath right, bend or twist much.
I also get stiff neck, shoulders, jaw, hands working at 75% a generally my condition is getting worst.
I exercise as much as I can on weights, cardio, pilates, but got to say, exercise does tend to make it worst?
I can't find a thing to ease the pain except maybe epsom salts...
but its getting to the point where it hurts that much and I'm now that weak, that I can't do much around the house.
I've had every test known to man, scans, MRI, bloods but they all come back fine. I look well and my muscles appear to be 100%, but they just hurt so much?
My CK if fine and my weight is constant.. I just don't work any more?
I do get burning around my spine which tends to come and go...
I've posted on here before (I must look back to see what I put).. but feel I'm going down hill and the doc's are coming up with nothing?
Anyone any similar experiance at all?