I don’t understand it, but I love him :). Hope he makes you smile 😊
Bob. Doing what we call blankie sucking - My MSAA Community
Bob. Doing what we call blankie sucking

I had a cat who did the same thing. I never realized that it was something that some of them do. I can hear him purring from here! 😺
Awe! Ive had a few cats in my life and i never had one that did this! I laugh every time he does it. Thats so funny! He purrs so loud!
He's so cute! 🥰
thank you
So cute! I had a cat that would lick the wall and a dog that would pull my bras out of the laundry basket and chew on them. I didn’t think the bra chewing was cute but I still loved her. Thanks for sharing!
My dog would grab dirty socks when he wanted attention. He never chewed them. He'd just carry them in his mouth and make a point of standing out of reach so we'd chase him and play for a bit.
This made my day Thank you Needed it on this cold snowy morning
Our Bill does the same exact thing! We rescued Bill when he was about 3 pounds. He was left by his Mama in our backyard. She took the other two. He is a little stinker!
RomCom87 I can’t leave a reply for you so I’ll do it here: we do love them!
That is 1 cute fur baby. I had 2 cats that sucked something 1 his tail the other any thing he could get in his mouth. Yes he purred while he did it & the purring would get very loud. He was a small cat too. never understood but he seemed very contented.
He thinks the blankie is mom's tummy!
our cat does the same thing but only to me. I’m fairly disabled and she comes to me when she wants cuddles. It works perfectly as I’m her safe space. She knows I can’t/won’t chase her and in my space she’ll only get kisses and pets. 😊