For those of you that have been to different hospitals, when you get a reminder text for MRI/ CT scan or whatever and it says "payment do at time of service." Is that always the case? Especially for a "preferred provider" (You get cashback because insurance prefers you use them.) Or are they like every other hospital and will still bill you later?
Pay up front?: For those of you that have... - My MSAA Community
Pay up front?

Yes, I see that all the time but they tell me that it is the co-pay, AriSmyelin .
I've only used 3 local hospitals that are now owned by one nightmare. Oh, sorry. I meant to say "conglomerate". They've only recently begun doing this, and I was shocked speechless when I registered at the front entrance for my surgery and was immediately handed a bill and asked if I wanted to pay it right now.
Thankfully, all they've actually made me pay is the occasional co-pay, but there's also no consistency. Each office or department seems to pick and choose when and where they're going to charge me, and it's not unusual for them to wait until I'm in a private room to walk in and ask for money. I've learned to carry cash in small bills with me every time, just in case they decide today needs a co-pay.
I wonder if this depends on who your insurance is? I have Medicare and have never been asked for a copay or anything else, most likely as they have to submit the bill to Medicare to find out exactly what the bill will be after Medicare makes their payment. I'm sorry that the greedy insurance company is making various dr offices do this.
I still have private insurance and every time before I have an MRI or colonoscopy… I am asked to pay for my portion of the projected co-pay ahead of time… Like when I arrive at the hospital and sometimes even before via text message. The only good thing if you pay when you walk in, they offer like 10 to 15% discount if you pre-pay... that's what I try to do whenever I can.. often they're still overcharging me but eventually, I get a check from the hospital to refund.
I'm on Medicare and so the hospital knows, as do I, exactly how much it costs. So I take in my card (so I can get my points) and pay that when the bill comes in.