After being in bed at er 3 hrs..Brain MRI. Just as this delightful guy came in i spasmed and crying asking the nurse for 2 pillows i could stuff where pain was....suprise since covid no pillows allowed in er. This young man said...if we can get you to MRI via bed...i have pillows....Gentle kind compassionate in the middle of a trigger he knew right where to place them. He had seen,,,,,he had felt others pain. Why dont people get that when you are in mangled pain they cant see where do put a darn pillow for relief. I am truely blessed. Thru this journey i have met you all. I can see others in a way with more compassion. I thought i had it before. As long as you are breathing even in brain fog with other can know above the clouds there is still a sun. Now the trick being when pain depression etc hits it is hard to stop and say.....WHERE ARE YOU SUN(SON) grateful for every action my body can do. Not grateful to ignorant or even abusive,,yet forgiving. So what is the worth of a Pillow? That young man knew.
A precious moment in the Er..MS gut stuf... - My MSAA Community
A precious moment in the Er..MS gut stuff compassion.

I'm so sorry that you went through that. An ER is a lousy, vulnerable place to be. I'm sorry that you're so sick. I hope that you got some medical help there. I always appreciate kindness. But the way you have focused on the kindness instead of the bad stuff is really admirable. I hope you feel better soon.
You go, Girl! What a blessed way to look at a horrible situation. I hope you're feeling better soon.
What you said is beautiful. Though my journey I have met alot of people that shows compassion and kindness. Before I was diag I thought most people seem to be rude & thoughtless .
I pray you got the help you need.🌹🙏
I am so sorry you went through that. Prayers are being sent to you. Leslie

I am convinced that there are earthly angels among us, jackiesj 🙏
I agree with you carolek
i'm so glad you encountered someone with empathy! odd about the pillow ban post covid, but i guess i kinda see it. even changing the pillowcase wouldn't necessarily protect you. and yes, it's hard to see anything when the pain hits, but i'll try to remember to look for the sun.