One of the best decisions I made after being diagnosed with MS was joining iConquerMS which just celebrated its 10th anniversary. If you’re not familiar with it, it’s an organization where MS patients have the opportunity use their voices to contribute, influence, and advocate for MS research that matters to us. Now that I am disabled it means a lot to me to know I am making a difference not only for myself but for everyone in our community.
The reason I’m mentioning it today is if you’re not a member, now would be a great time to get involved. In 2025 there will be a first of its kind clinical trial of a non-pharmacological treatment for MS fatigue. Something most of us struggle with. The trial will be recruiting 2000 people with MS from the iConquerMS community as well as several VA hospitals across the U.S. If successful, this treatment would receive FDA approval meaning it would be covered by Medicare, health insurance, etc. Anyway, if you made it this far thanks for reading and here’s a link for the website if you want to learn more: