I've been having problems with my lower lip for years. It would pulsate and throb and sometimes made playing the harmonica downright miserable. Simce the summer heat has broke and my mental state has stabilized, im trying to address stuff that needs addresses before next summers heat and I come unglued. I spend 6 months (in oklahoma) dealing with the heat issues and the symptom flares it causes. I spent the other 6 months recovering from the previous. Well finally saw an eats nose and throat specialist. His take on my lip was a lesion of some sort, pressing on the vein/artery... well my rake was it was the vein or artery. My surgery was on the 29th and the surgery took way longer than expected. So my posy op was the other day. He comes in... looks at me and said... well.... it would seem that your first ASSUMPTION was correct. Lol dr way of saying lucky guess... lol turned out I have something called Arteriovenous malformations (AVM) in my lip. It woukd seem its a birth defects and it's location was very rare and possibly serious due to my muscle spasticity. I already have a lump of scar tissue in my cheek from accidentally biting it all the time. My lip has had the same trauma but I lucked out. Cause if I would have ruptured that avm the possibility was high I could have blead out. Well I've had surgeries and such pre MS but this is a whole new level of tough. Making it through, it is a hard deal though. Hope y'all are hangin in there ok.Allen
I hate surgeries, but now it's over - My MSAA Community
I hate surgeries, but now it's over

so glad all is getting so much better for you ...it is so amazing how doctors can't believe that us as people can actually know something about our bodies that they don't know about it ...so glad you kept on trying to get something done and now all is well ...great job and so glad for you ....much happiness and may it be filled knowing there are others out here loving about what is going on with you...so glad all worked out for you ....many smiles and hugs for you ...😀😀😘😆😆😅🤣😂
Happy things are getting better for you!
Good to hear from you. Feel better soon.
Keep plugging away, I am proud of you!👍

I think that I had that a while ago, Allen5280 , and had it removed. So, instead of a large purple bump on my lower lip, I have a white line. Wishing you a speedy recovery, and so happy to hear from you! 🤗
I have missed hearing from you! I hope that things get better and you have some good days ahead.❤️
Allen, I'm so glad that you took time out to get surgery on your lip. Thank God you did! It is too bad that it was so painful, though. I do hope that you'll soon be playing the harmonica again! 😁
Also, it's truly wonderful that your mental state has stabilized. You can't really enjoy anything without that. God bless you!
Unfortunately hit a snag in my recovery. My sutures failed and my lip is on awful condition. My doctor says it will heal better than I think it will, then again he also doesn't know all that's involved with my harmonica. The hole or gap where my lip split... its gonna have to end up regrouping like a lizard tail... 🦎 I'm not so sure my harmonica playing will ever be the same again. It needed to be done though.
one of these days doctors will learn to listen to us...no they won't!😹 but i'm so glad they got to it in time and i hope your recovery gets easier.🤗
I hope you are back to playing the harmonica soon. Oklahoma is my home state but I doubt I will ever go back because the humidity is a killer.
How good that your lip was taken care of and that your surgeon knew what he was doing. You gladden my heart with your post. I know this is a great big, widely scattered family, but I hate the silences when people I care about stop posting for long periods. It brings sunlight into these hard days when someone long quiet stops by the forum to say hello and give an update. Be well, stay safe.
Glas to hear things are better🙏🏾
Good hearing from you and glad you got your lip taken care of. I hope it continues to heal and you're back to playing the harmonica.
Good job on addressing your troubles and getting this serious condition taken care of! 🤗
Allen5280 glad you were able to get that taken of, sorry about the setback with the suture failing. Hopefully it will heal correctly now. Keep us updated when you can.