How do you deal with constipation leading to impaction? Obviously the goal is not to get to that point and I do not know how I got here but I am in bad shape. It has been a week now since I realized that I was impacted. I’ve taken everything shy of a colonoscopy prep and nothing is really sufficiently helping. I’ve been to the ER. They gave me a prescription strength laxative and it is not helping. My neuro is directing me to PCP. PCP is giving me over the counter options that I have already tried. Suggestions?
impaction: How do you deal with... - My MSAA Community

I take magnesium glycinate, 1 in am and 2 in pm. I also take a stool softener if it's been a few days since I've gone.
So sorry to hear that your going through that. It seems the er should have treated that while you were there. I personally have never got to that point. But doctors need to take care of this asap.I get a tea from the grocery store called smooth move. If I'm feeling sluggish I drink a cup at night. Try this inexpensive tea after you get straightened out. It's easy and taste better than a lot of stuff.
I think you may be on to something when you say colonoscopy prep. I'm also a fan of Miralax generic, which IS basically colonoscopy prep. The dosage is just smaller. The directions say one scoop in water per day. I usually just use it once a day, but I've used it twice a day for a couple of days at times. It might take a day or two, but it really helped. I wouldn't do it daily without talking to your doctor, though. My doctor said not to.
Besides drinking tons of water and eating fiber (oatmeal, prunes, dried apricots) it might help if you went through your meds with a doctor or nurse to see if any of them could be adding to the problem, and if any of them could be swapped out for something else. Stuff like tricyclic antidepressants (elavil, nortriptyline), oxybutnin, etc. If you use opioids there are meds to help counteract that effect.
Your doctor doesn't seem super helpful since severe constipation can be very serious. If you experience this kind of misery a lot, you should go back and tell them that what they recommended wouldn't work. If they won't work with you, maybe a gastroenterologist could help you.
Good luck. Constipation is miserable, so I hope this helps.
It's terrible that the ER will do nothing for you. They should have given you an emema. Obviously oral laxatives are not working, so you are probably going to need enemas. A Fleet saline enema (or generic) may work though the volume of those enemas is pretty small so it may not. It may take a large volume enema, such as a soap suds enema. You will need help for this. First you buy an enema bag or bucket at the drugstore. These hold about 2 quarts of water. They usually have a packet of castile soap with them. Then follow the directions. If you don't have someone to help you, you should return to the ER and demand that they give you an enema. Good luck.
If you haven't already tried using magnesium citrate oral saline laxative you can try this before the enemas. It usually comes in a glass bottle of about 10 ounces and is usually flavored. You drink it down quickly, followed by at least 8 ounces of water. If you have not had relief within about 3 hours then it is time for enemas.
I had impacted stools for a long time without realising it. That was because what was passed out with laxatives was actually an “overflow” from the choked up plumbing
The gastroenterologist needed two colonoscopy sessions to clear the bowels.
He put me on a strict regimen of Constella, Forlax daily. As the disease progressed - a flatus tube is now used to clear the system
All is fine wrt that issue now
I have advanced MSA - the information may or may not be relevant but just posting it in case it’s helpful
Take care
I would suggest seeing a GI. My Neurologist always recommends that.
Others who have commented that the ER and your PCP should have been more proactive are right - if constipation goes on too long for someone with MS it can lead to serious problems such as a twisted bowel and maybe even surgery or a permanent colostomy bag. If it's been a week now then you need professional clinical treatment of an appropriate kind to deal with the problem and prevent things from becoming really serious. There's a few too many ignorant doctors who think that MS related slow transit constipation only needs minor attention and some everyday laxatives, but it's like ignoring constant UTIs in PwMS - it can can get quite serious quite fast and have serious consequences/ outcomes.
You should back to the ER demand they place you in the machine that checks your organs internally. I don't know what the machine is called. I went through the same problem you are having now over the counter medicine does not help. I was diagnosed with colon cancer. The doctors found 25 polys and only one was cancerous. I had to wear a colony bag and have 20% of my large intestine remove. I suggest you back. Hope you feel better.
I also have constipation, none of the medication works
Thank you everyone. The ER did do an enema and it helped very little. I’ve done two more at home. I was not experiencing any abdominal or back pain, so ER doc discharged me with script for stronger laxative. As mentioned, it really has done nothing to help. I drank half a bottle of magnesium citrate last night and saw progress so I will down the other half today. If that doesn’t do it, then I’m headed back to the ER. This is so frustrating. I really have no idea if this is even MS related but don’t know what else it could be. I will be connecting with a GI dr immediately after I get through this. I appreciate all your suggestions and comments.
I am very constipated. I take two laxative every evening. I don’t know what to do. I was empacted myself.
The only thing I can suggest is stool softeners. Laxative maybe in combination with stool softener. Perhaps prunes. Oatmeal might work. Kiwi is high in fiber.
2 bottles of magnesium citrate. I’m finally fixed. I plan to re connect with my GI dr asap.
Would this be considered a relapse?
I do not know but I wanted you to know that Align has really helped me be regular
I take fiber gummy’s, stool softeners and prescription Movantik daily which really helps. Good luck 👍🏼🙏
When I have gone to the ER in the past, they usually tell me to follow up with my doctor within seven days. If you haven't already, maybe call them back and explain how difficult it was to go, and ask if they can help you get in to see a gastroenterolgist. It's worth a try, anyway.
I have used bottled magnesium citrate. Available at most drug stores.
It was recommended by my PC doc. Worked quickly. Sweet relief!