last week I got the I colon flu . This week diagnosed with colitis . What is it and why is it so painful ? Is it part of MS ?
the down there : last week I got the I... - My MSAA Community
the down there
To my limited understanding, there are different types of colitis. I had a form of it a few weeks ago, and a round of 2 different strong antibiotics cleared it up. Then, I had ZERO appetite for about 5 days. I lost about 5-6 pounds. Never want it again! Hope you feel better very soon!
I don't know anything of what your going through but based on the previous response if it can be cured by antibiotics it is not an MS issue.
I am there with you. I have collagenous colitis. It is another "lovely" autoimmune disease. It can only be diagnosed by a Gastroenterologist doing a Colonoscapy and taking a sample of the lining of the colon. I don't generally have pain, just diarrhea. I think I'd rather have the pain!
it doesn't sound like ms causedcau it but check with your neurologist
Some of the MS DMTs carry a risk of colitis. (I know it’s a risk of both Rituxan and Ocrevus). Ask your MS neuro if there is any link between Rebif and colitis. It’s also not uncommon to have both MS and various GI issues.
I know that if you have 1 autoimmune disease you can get others, I started with MS, then diabetes & my pcp & I are discussing about arthritis. I'm not sure it is an autoimmune disease he says it is. If that's true then I started with arthritis & the rest jumped it!