Hello Community Fam, I have a question for anyone experiencing the winter chill. PA is inconsistent with temperatures right now. We melted away the snow from last week; Saturday 55 degrees, this upcoming weekend chilly with temps in the morning around 27 degrees! One day I’m fine; next few days feel like a “flare is brewing.” I think my tolerance to Naproxen and/or Flexeril have reached its peak of effectiveness. It’s been a long time since I had an infusion tx. Anyone else feeling yuck from the weather? Please share if you don’t mind. Blessings and Peace ☮️. NeeC
The Temperature “Flip Flop.”: Hello... - My MSAA Community
The Temperature “Flip Flop.”

I like cooler weather and it doesn't get to me.
I used to love winter walks with my husband but he refused to go out when it hit 11 below zero.Big baby.😅😂
At 5 below,I was still comfortable. Dressing in layers, with toe warmers in one's boots and a face mask work well.
I looked like a complete freak😂 but it is worth it because it's so quiet and peaceful and one can see animals easier. The photo is where we would walk. The mood lifter for me is that I got out in it.
The heat and humidity can knock me out but the sunshine is definitely a mood lifter.
Beautiful ❤️I would say the winter is better for me than the summer, it’s the extreme temperature changes that are triggering my discomfort. I love coats and boots!
There are some here that are affected by it for sure.
Summer used to be my favorite but now I have to do things earlier in the day to get through it.
I can see how extreme temp changes might get to someone though. I hope you find relief.
I would dress as if you're already having issues, and take off layers if you get too hot. I've spent a lot of time in snow gear this fall/winter (but no snow 😭).
Flip-flopping weather is the worst. I've been dealing with it, too; mostly whining about it to anyone who'll listen. 😁 Just give me a steady temperature. I'll adapt and be fine. But don't let me prop my feet up on the back porch one day, just enjoying the sunshine and warm weather, and then slam me with minus-degree wind chills and snow the next! That's just so wrong. I'm cranky, so I've just been doing whatever I feel like. It involves a lot of naps and chocolate.
You call it flip flop weather, I call it yoyo, and all of us -- humans, wild critters, and plants -- suffer with these extreme temperature swings. Here in Central VA, temps last Saturday went into the 70s, and last night it was freezing again. It is hard to adjust. Last week, bees were out in search of food, tulips and daffodils are emerging, and yet spring won't be here for another five weeks or so.
I am with you goatgal.. I went to “ town” (Richmond) with my daughter and the pups on Friday and the car thermometer said 78.. we had just had 4-5 inches of snow the week before- although I was loving having a walk with the pups.. we ran major errands and I got overdone with the heat and too much activity.. I can’t stand myself when I get so cranky.. luckily we finally finished and I found my sense of humor.. I blamed it on the full moon
I have enjoyed a few warmer days here and there. Some nights didn't drop below 40 degrees either so not as cold heading to work in the morning. I like the times of year with fluctuating temperatures. I like variety. The problem is I don't function properly in too cold or too hot. The malfunction resolves as soon as my body temp returns to normal though, no lasting flare of symptoms. I am looking forward to spring and it's fluctuating temps too 😁
It's not just you. My neurologist even said that when there are a lot of changes in the weather (it was spring in this case) that they see a lot of patients with problems. I seem to remember reading an article that hypothesized that changing barometric pressure can affect the brain.
Heat bothers me much more than cold. I have a great snowblower that I can no longer usebecause of my MS so I have been trying to sell it for three years but we have gotten very little snow so who needs a snowblower
Hopefully, when you do finally get a good snowstorm, somebody will see the value of it and buy it! 😅
The crazy weather does affect me. We keep our house temp at 67 degrees so if I stay in, it's not as bad.
I can adjust to most temp if they are consistant but the yoyo effect is hard. Today, we had about an inch of snow, supposed to get rain/snow later. Ugh..can't wait till the temps are back in the 70s and we don't need to have the heat (or ac yet for that matter)!
It’s chilly here too. I’m snuggled up with a “throw “ watching Lifetime movies 😊
I finished up a fundraiser for a dog that was adopted a few years ago from the dog rescue I volunteer with, finished thank you cards (my handwriting is so bad sometimes), and calling the adopter to give them the good news on the fundraiser (raised more than the goal)!
Hi!! I’m in PA too and my issue is I get extra stiff but I did notice I had heat issues while wearing a sweater one day. That adds fun to the mix!! I do much better when it’s cooler but apparently the frigid cold isn’t for me. It seems like there are only a few brief stretches that I’m okay with the weather. I loved Summer but that’s at an end now. 😔
I’m in Florida but we too have had big fluctuations in temps and it seems my body has harder and harder times adjusting. I used to think it was just heat that bothered me but the cold does too, just in a different way.
I can so relate to those “tingles”. My fingers “tingle” til they go numb in mornings just after drinking water, before coffee. And my house is 69 degrees right now. I run hands under hot water for help until my time to sit down with coffee and often (like right now) with a heating throw. Tis not life threatening I know but definitely a bother! Blessings to you ❤️ 🤗 Exercise will help later as soon as I get motivated enough to go for it, or a hot shower… have a great day!
Down here it’s called “ Alabama Winter “ 32 in the morning then 70 by lunch then back down to 32 by 5. Our closet's arranged entirely different. Winter on one side summer on the other. It’s annoying as hell because you’ll wear a coat to work. Take it off when it warms up and forget to take it home making the next morning extremely cold. We don’t keep a lot of winter coats. Summers are brutal with the most humidity in the southeast so in the summer we use a lot of ac and cooling equipment. I just think it’s the fluctuation that’s so challenging.