Sensory Overload : How many of you deal... - My MSAA Community

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Sensory Overload

Jesmcd2 profile image
49 Replies

How many of you deal with this? What bothers you the most? How do you handle it?🤔🤗💕🌠

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Jesmcd2 profile image
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49 Replies
bxrmom profile image

When people start talking really loud (some people I live with do it) and have to remind them to talk quieter. Sometimes in a store when there are too many people it feels like too much. I need to get my stuff and get out of the store. Thank goodness for grocery deliver now!

kdali profile image

My mommy-MS take on this; I'll come unglued if I don't nope out and take a break. I have one that makes repetitive sounds and it's not intentional, so it's going to take a lot of time and grace to guide us through that one thing. My other one might as well be hearing impaired, as the volume is impressive. I've had her checked, she's just the loudest human ever to live. Then, there's the normal kid amount of noise, times 2. Then there's music lessons, daily. Sleep buds are great for my mommy time out, I can listen to a fan like noise and read. Someday soon they won't even talk to me or come out of their rooms, and I will wish for my overwhelming circus back. I have taken time outs before at holiday gatherings, it's called a really long bathroom break 🤣

Now driving? The lights at night can be nauseating. Astigmatism plus ON damage. Add rain, and I might as well be driving through a night club with strobe lights 😵‍💫🫣 I avoid it, or slow down and hope for the best.

When I worked in a hospital? It's all bright lights, bells and whistles. I use to take walks on break while listening to music.

Speaking of lighting overload, when ON is a fresh attack, I have to wear sunglasses into any large warehouse store or the lights are blinding. The store music is irritating, taking to people is freaking hard so self check out is a must if I'm not too foggy to remember how that works. Sure, I sound 80, oh well, it's true. Even at home, the sun shining through the window was like the beam from Raiders of the Lost Ark. "Don't look at the light Marianne!". We have blinds now 🤣 Thankfully it's been a while since my eyes were attacked 🙏

Greentime profile image
Greentime in reply to kdali

Great descriptions. It must be really difficult at times!

Morllyn profile image

I have just begun to notice something like that. I will talk with my doctor about it.

Thank you for the information!

falalalala profile image

Noise from others but not myself. Blasting music, using power tools, random outbursts are all tolerated well, as long as I'm the cause.😂

NorasMom profile image
NorasMom in reply to falalalala

This is me, too! I always thought my antisocialness was from being alone in the country growing up, but now I can blame it on MS! 😃 I have a lot of trouble with fluorescent lights, and when you add people and sounds, it's a nightmare.

falalalala profile image
falalalala in reply to NorasMom

I can't stand tv commercials that are louder than the program. In fact, tv commercials are up there on my list of irritating noises. I am not the only one. Here's part of an article I tried to read (but just got irritated-even though I agree😆:

Ear-ritating: How TV commercials misuse sound to get our attention

"Sound is a powerful tool in advertising. Its ability to draw attention and evoke emotion is proven to affect sales. So why, then, do so many advertising soundtracks seem designed specifically to annoy, irritate, and outright enrage?"

NorasMom profile image
NorasMom in reply to falalalala

I agree! And theme music that's loud enough to puncture your eardrums, but then you have to turn the volume up to hear the actors speak. CSI: Miami was a good one for that.

falalalala profile image
falalalala in reply to NorasMom


Xvettech profile image
Xvettech in reply to falalalala

Do what I do, pause it and let time gather then fast forward through the commercials 🙂

CV97 profile image
CV97 in reply to falalalala

There's a commercial for a hearing aids business that plays around here. The commercial starts out quiet(er) 'Are you having trouble hearing your loved ones?' then gets louder and starts pitching their hearing aids. It deliberately starts off quieter so people will think they can't hear well!

whwiechm profile image
whwiechm in reply to NorasMom

I've also noticed that the music in some movies is so loud you can't understand what is being said by the actors.

carolek572 profile image

I try to take it one thing at a time, Jesmcd2 . I have noticed that I cannot multi task as well as before! 😂

Greentime profile image
Greentime in reply to carolek572

Oh my, can I relate to that! I used to be a whirlwind in the kitchen with many things on the go. Now I need to really focus on one thing at a time. Not sure if it is age or MS, likely both.

Wtfisup profile image
Wtfisup in reply to carolek572

I was a great multitasker. Mother, wife, director of respiratory therapy department, Sunday school teacher, room mother, volunteer. Husband divorced me, daughters grew up and moved to other states, doc told me to go on disability and won’t let me volunteer for health reasons. Not much multitasking required anymore. Sometimes I still attempt it then something spills. Alas, I must erase that ability from my repertoire and be happy I can still single task. 🫧

anaishunter profile image

- Light used to bother me a lot prior to DX. In the evening, I would go into the dark bedroom to rest and recharge. With DMT treatment, it's a lot better. That said, I had cataract surgery since then, so I'm known as the lady with permanent sun glasses.

- Noise: noise is draining me. I have stopped going to concerts with my husband. We often argue when I ask him to turn down the volume of the TV. Long flights also drain me; I believe because the level of noise is high.

I've developed a new appreciation for silence and calm environment.

- Hot bothers me on my leg. When doing waxxing, my left leg jerks off if the wax is too hot.

Greentime profile image
Greentime in reply to anaishunter

I love the silence and a calm environment too! I have a long held habit of trying to keep everything calm to keep my nervous system calm. And like falalalala , it is okay if I am the one making noise! haha!

Helpmeup profile image

Certain noises just make me nuts! Last week, I had a handyman over to fix a valve in my toilet, and he whistled the whole time. Thought I was going to hit him with a frying pan! 🤣. A few months ago, I had new plank floors installed, and the banging of the planks made me so crazy, I had to wear noise cancelling headphones until they were done. And, of course, the banging of the floor planks made my dog bark like crazy for hours! Completely lost my mind! 🤣🐶😖

Greentime profile image
Greentime in reply to Helpmeup

Glad you didn't hit him with the frying pan. 🤣

Xvettech profile image

yes. Noise, light z, crowds, tv all bothers me

goatgal profile image

Though 20 years ago I was still able to problem solve on solo international trips, with MS diagnosis came sensory overload. When I'm in noisy, frenetic, crowded or complex settings anywhere, my brain simply shuts down and my anxiety grows. To stop this before it reaches panic level, I have learned to stop (when I'm driving) and find a quiet corner anywhere else. It quiets the clutter in my brain, allows me to calm down and rethink. Then, once I am calm again I can think. Now I have learned to avoid settings and situations where I am exposed to too much sensory input: driving to unfamiliar locations, airports, professional conferences, even crowded outdoor events like concerts or festivals. This increases my social isolation, not a good thing.

melack01 profile image

Yes! Right now not too bad. At other times, going to the grocery store can be excruciating...the movement, the lights, the noise...why does the loudspeaker in the store have to be so loud? At home, every time I cook my mother in law turns on the tv and sometimes the washer too,,,so I have loud coming from two directions. She doesn't believe MS is bad because her hair dresser works and has MS.

CatsandCars profile image
CatsandCars in reply to melack01

Does your mother-in-law love with you? Either way, it must be terrible to be around someone who has such a dismissive and dumb attitude towards a disease you have to live with!

melack01 profile image
melack01 in reply to CatsandCars

We live with her. She is 95 and can't really live on her own.

CatsandCars profile image
CatsandCars in reply to melack01

I give you credit. That can't be fun at times!

Wtfisup profile image
Wtfisup in reply to melack01

Someone who knows someone who has ms. That’s another thing we all probably have in common. With me, it’s usually an aunt that they don’t remember much about except she slept a lot. Understandably, at 95, not much will budge and any belief she conjures up will probably become her truth.. Hope today is a good day! 🫧

melack01 profile image
melack01 in reply to Wtfisup

Thank you. She has her own set beliefs and list of ailments and hers of course are more important and more dreadful.

Wtfisup profile image
Wtfisup in reply to melack01

You seem to be very witty and deal with things as they come with a sense of humor. 👏 Does she give you compliments or at least say thank you? 🫧

melack01 profile image
melack01 in reply to Wtfisup

She usually thanks me for making the meals. I can tell when she's not happy because she will go into the living room after and turn the TV on real loud. Me and my husband know we're not welcome in the living room then. We have to spend a lot of time in the bedroom because neither of us can take how loud her kindle and tv are, sometimes both at the same time,

Wtfisup profile image
Wtfisup in reply to melack01

Oh no., that’s just…95 year old lady life. 🙏🫧

Wtfisup profile image

Didn’t read replies to your post yet (I will) but I would imagine more of us have overload than not. Sometimes it’s one stimuli or it’s the day after too much. We moved Saturday. Things that go in my ear seem to always fall out of my ear so family bought me noise reduction headphones, They help so much. Hope today’s a good day! 🫧

Jesmcd2 profile image
Jesmcd2CommunityAmbassador in reply to Wtfisup

I hope you're move went well! I know how stressful that can be! 🤗💕🌠

Wtfisup profile image
Wtfisup in reply to Jesmcd2

As well as could be expected in a ms world. I’m still trying to recover. They rented a house with 3 floors. I’m at the top. It’s absolutely beautiful. Love, Rapunzel. 😉

stepsforNeeC profile image

Yes, I can’t stand it when too many T.V ‘s are on in the house 😔. Blessings and Peace

AquaZumbaFan profile image

Yes, I have experienced this many times without realizing what it was.. over Christmas we were doing some international traveling and it was all I could do to keep myself together, going through customs etc. trying to provide the passports and documents etc. because all of that really falls on me with my husband and I. I have a better chance of putting things in the same place so I can pull it out when needed. I had to do some deep breathing many times to try to settle myself down.. and now, with a new puppy in the house, he likes to bark at our older dog to try to make him play and next thing you know, they are both barking, and I have to cover my ears when my daughter raises her voice to try and quiet the puppy! It can be a crazy circus 🤡 🥰

greaterexp profile image

Yes! I explain to my husband that I have "conversation fatigue" at times and just can't cope with any more listening. He's didactic in nature and wants to teach me everything he's learning. His daughter is extremely talkative, and I'm afraid I avoid her much of the time, as well as anyone else who talks a lot. I prefer to go to someone else's house, so I can more easily excuse myself and leave, rather than having someone over, when I can't just leave or ask them to leave. Even if I explain my difficulties, I'm afraid it only offends people. "Please stop talking" is hard to phrase nicely. I can listen to the sound of a sewing machine (even the hand cranks) all day, but can handle conversation for only a few minutes. I hate what this can do to relationships.

CatsandCars profile image
CatsandCars in reply to greaterexp

That sounds very frustrating. I was not familiar with the word "didactic", but I think I know what you mean. A conversation can be like sitting through a class you never signed up for, no matter how fond you are of the person. I'm not didactic but I do like to talk, so I'm sure my loved ones have have had times when they wanted to jump out a window while I've talked, as well.

Humbrd profile image
Humbrd in reply to greaterexp

I'm the same way, I'd rather go visit someone at their place or at a public place so I can leave when I need to. It gives me anxiety when I think someone's going to come over because then I can't end the visit when I need to have quiet time. I've always been an introvert and now dealing with the overstimulation makes it worse.

Raingrrl profile image
Raingrrl in reply to Humbrd

I’m the same. The combo of being an introvert and easily overstimulated by too much sound and chatty people is not fun. I literally get agitated by too much noise of any type and can’t find a way to politely extract myself from situations that are overwhelming my nerves.

Humbrd profile image
Humbrd in reply to Raingrrl

It's hard for people to understand who are extroverts and also do not have the sensory overload problem.

Squirrel1270 profile image

I have issues when there are too many people in a room all talking at once. I can’t focus on one conversation. It doesn’t have to take a lot of people, some times just 3 or 4. I also find I have an issue when I go grocery shopping and I’m looking for a particular item on the shelf. It seems like everything just melts into the same thing and I actually have to force myself to look at each individual item individually, rather than just scanning the shelves. It’s frustrating and have had to ask others to help me find things that ended up being right in front of me. Naturally I just laugh it off but it’s not really funny…

Greentime profile image

So many things I can relate to in the comments! I have told my husband that sometimes it is like my nerves are on the surface of my skin. He'll give me a pat on the back and it hurts!! These are the times when noise, lights and lots of movement are an issue. Costco is a nightmare. My brain can't keep up. I like lying on my bed and doing a relaxation exercise or even just reading, when this strikes. I feel for all of you who experience this more often.

DatChick521 profile image

So sorry this piece of the M.S puzzle plagues you as well...but selfishly, I suppose I am a bit relieved to know others are challenged by overstimulation too. I keep soft, kneedable ear plug in every jacket pocket, gym bag, satchel, purse, etc. Earplugs help quite a bit to just soften the assault from shopping carts across pavement, loud beeps & alarms from all the technology we interact with in public, barking dogs, yowling children, etc 😉. Avoiding bright lights & strong odors & a little meditation helps overall, too. I truly wish you the best.

loud noises-bright lights-startle-tactile- kids singing “todays hits” 😂 while wearing iPods-dishes clanging-tv volume changes- SMELLS!!

Have pretty much always dealt with these. Is it MS or something else OR have I had this disease practically forever?

CatsandCars profile image

So many of these comments sound familiar! The sounds of loud, excited voices during football games or car auctions on TV, neighbors' kids shrieking, the parents yelling at them, loud cars, loud music...when I'm just enjoying the peace and quiet of my home, it all makes me feel really angry. Of course, my music is fine, I love loud cars at cruise nights, etc. Big old hypocrite here.I don't venture out very much, but my husband and I love classic cars. If the weather isn't too hot, we enjoy going to car shows. Most of the time we have a great time. But outings can quickly turn into ordeals if it's too crowded or I misjudge how hot it will feel. I'll be trying to enjoy looking at the cars, but they're playing loud music I don't like, I'm too hot, the sun is in my eyes, and I'm tripping over curbs and dodging other people who seem to be right on top of me, etc. It feels really claustrophobic, and it all just makes me feel crazy angry. How dare all these people show up and ruin my good time? 🤣

1yoyo profile image

I do not deal with it JUST except the situations like weddings

Roxy444 profile image

Oh, yes, I certainly identify with your post. I can not be in a room full of people with multiple conversations going on. I can’t even have the tv on when only a couple of people are talking. If anyone is hard of hearing in the room, loud talking going on nearly causes me to pass out from the extreme sensitivity to loud talking. It literally causes high-pitch type pain in my ear canals & to that nerve associated with transmitting sound. Even my own voice causes this pain if I have to say something loud. I do more on-line shopping now so I can avoid the mall noise.

I often wear Mack’s silicone ear plugs that can be molded around my ear canal, blocking the intensity of sound. These work better for me than those soft ones you insert.

Other people (except for my hubby) just can’t perceive someone having this type of pain & how debilitating it can be. And, yes, it is yet one more reason ms is isolating!


jkdavid99 profile image

I have an issue when our tv is on regular volume and someone in the same room plays a video on their phone. That is like nails on a chalkboard to me. Usually it is my husband and I just want to punch him. He knows how I feel so instead of violence i remove myself. And I always wear sunglasses unless it is dark. Any amount of light outside is too much. Stores, costco is the worst. Too many people and i have got lost in the store until i see the person I am shopping with.

nexttothesalt profile image

I didn't know about this! Sometimes I literally walk with my eyes almost closed because of this. Luckily I'm very slow so it's not dangerous. Lol.

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