Your responses helped us have a productive conversation. I had printed off an updated comparison chart of all the DMTs available - oral, injectable, infusion. Thanks to Frances B my friend also knows the UTAS free course will be available and how valuable it is. I found a past issue of one of the MS publications with an article of the myriad ways MS manifests (A-Z), and was candid about my challenges. My friend still doesn't like knowing the reality, but I hope it helps to know he's not alone. Thank you all for pitching in to help.
Thank you dear friends: Your responses... - My MSAA Community
Thank you dear friends

I hope he eventually decides to join us on here, even if he's not comfortable posting. I think we have a nice combination of both men and women, all ages and backgrounds, and I've found this to be the most-supportive forum I've tried. Sometimes it helps just knowing that there are real people out there who know what you're going through.
I assured him that he can read without ever needing to post or respond so I hope he joins as well. The world can be a comfortless place, and our fellow humans can be less than kind or understanding but here we support one another and understand what others may not. It's like the old adage about a bunch of twigs: a single one is easily snapped, gathered together they are harder to break.
you said it so well for that is so true ...all it does take is one ...we all have felt it at one time or another ...we really won't bite but again sometimes what we say can sound like more than we are trying to say but with having any disease we seem to back off from others because of it for someone will say that isn't them anyway see i can't put into what i want to say ...good luck and we all need some kind of help so he isn't and much happiness anyway we can have and get it ....we all deserve it ....
I hope he comes to accept his diagnosis and starts meds. The earlier the better, as we all know. Hopefully he will be like me, where it's very manageable.

Do you recall which MS issue you found the information in? I would love to read it. @ goatgal

I have most of the “Motivators” will go through later & let you know if I find anything 😊