I normally wake up perfectly fine in the mornings, no matter if I've woken up to use the toilet in the middle of the night, but I think I must have slept funny last night 🫣 woke at 4 to use the toilet, and I think I must have slept with my leg hanging over the side of the bed or something! My normally fine leg feels really tight at the knee, and I was worried, and I still am, that I'd fall down at some point 😔 I'm waiting for my husband to come downstairs so he can bring the brews into the living room... when he finally gets up 🙄
A really odd sleep last night! - My MSAA Community
A really odd sleep last night!

I have weird sleep all the time & have to pee 3 xs a night I know what you are saying about your leg & falling please be careful. I am praying for you. Mary
It's so odd sometimes 😅 I definitely got to the toilet and back to bed safely last night, and even going downstairs making brews this morning! Didn't feel safe taking them into the living room, but hubby did when he came downstairs ❤️ I felt a lot more able after a few hours. Still not got the mobility I had yesterday mind, but I feel a lot safer now 😁 I've got a bannister on the wall at the top of my stairs, so that when I get weak/dodgy legs, I can hold onto it as I go to the bathroom.
glad you have rails for your stairs. You might think about a bedside commode for those night time trips! We did.
I've got one, but I rarely use it. I think my last time using it was when I had a seizure early one morning, and hubby didn't want me crossing the stairs, so he got the commode and toilet roll ready for me 😁 he didn't care much when I managed to get myself dressed, because he'd rang for an ambulance (seizure over 5 mins). He was only scared for me falling down the stairs when to go get my meds, so he went down a couple of steps in front of me just in case I fall. Love him to bits ❤️

My legs don’t work as they should when I wake up or when I sit for a long time. If I flex my ankles, knees and thighs a few seconds before I get going helps a lot. Having my forearm crutch available helps as well. Do be careful, Cwright170994 , and I am happy that you have a wonderful and caring husband to watch out for you. Keep Smiling
I feel the same, having to do a bit of a stretch when getting up from sitting sometimes 😅 I use a walking stick when walking short distances, like from my front door to the car, but normally I can walk unaided in my house 🤦♀️ that was scary thing to wake up with this morning 😬
Good on you for being cautious with that knee…don’t want to end up hurting it worse. Hope all the kinks work out soon