Thank you everyone for the birthday wishes back in August. It’s been a rough, bumpy road since I had Covid last June (fortunately it was 2 days after returning from Oberammergau to see the Passion Play.) The tour was postponed in 2020, I can’t remember the reason….oh yes, it was Covid! 😆 The illness wasn’t too bad but I’m still suffering after affects, shortness of breath, edema and overwhelming fatigue…the worst I’ve ever had. I had a nuclear med stress test on Friday which fortunately was normal! I’m thinking long Covid but I’ll see what my primary care doctor does now. My friend who is an internal medicine doc gave me some suggestions from all his work with long Covid patients.
I’m happy to report we had a granddaughter born in late April….between our other daughter’s birthday and our son and daughter-in-love’s second anniversary. And we have another grandchild expected in Sept!
I see my new MS neurologist (#4) on Wed! I’ve noticed changes which my previous neuro just said objectively things are the same. She became irate when I asked her what she meant when she charted…RRMS vs transitioning. “I hate the fact that pts have access to my clinical notes. Those are for me to remind myself of certain things!” Well, those clinical notes are MY records!! I’m excited to see the head of the MS dept and then she will decide if she continues to follow me or someone else in the department is better suited for me. I’ll update after that appt! I don’t think Aubagio is controlling my symptoms anymore and was thinking Ocrevus, but after reading experiences with hair loss I’m not sure. I suffered severe hair loss within 3 weeks of starting Aubagio and don’t want to go through that again, especially since there are still areas that don’t have hair. Is anyone familiar with the new DMT-Brim-something? I was willing to try that until I read a side effect could be hair loss. 😑
I know I just wrote a novella but this pretty much catches you up on my life. I’ve missed all of you…the love and support and the humor!