G'day ms family. I have run your ideas by her and I think I have a solution. She wanted a plant, so I got her the plant he wanted. Step 2 I have made noises about a trip to the Canyon which will take more work but I think is doable. I have to juggle around Hockey season, and she has a game before and the day after her Birthday. So lunch somewhere for her birthday, of course, is her choice, but I will naturally suggest Cajun. That is an easy one as we have our favourite, the old favourite shut.
So thank you very much, it will be a nice day, and next year the 21st, a cruise. Where to then, somewhere we have not been. I am thinking of the new Panama locks.
Stay well be healthy and be happy\content with your lot in life. Pass your strength and determination onto the next generation. Live in your family's history as that Aunt\Uncle who had ms but did so very well.