I am grateful for your replies and thankful for each day. I know im not alone so i reach out to let others know that they too can see another day.That there is hope.Hope i believe is a key at this site and you all. it has been 3 and half weeks mostly flat, Addey Mae(a schnoozer) comes in and starts taking care of me!MrBuster is showing his age and we comfort each other.That is what this life is about..comforting each other. I thank all....I can move my shoulders now and there are moments of no pain. Pain obviously is a signal..we are alive and what is hurting?With MS...the word multiple sticks out and i had forgotten that the names of our illnesses need to bring us some comfort that strides have been made.That even 10 years ago treatments have changed and hope keeps comming. When surrounded by an environment that may not be conducive we must gather ourselves and cheer on.If it is raining you can stand in the rain or ask for an umbrella or newpaper to help you....life is like this, if there are people around! I rely heavily on praying meditation this site getting thru each day. a good cry never hurts for we all get in the middle of a muddle. Just know you are not alone.jj
Hi my Neighbors. Pain..what it tells us.... - My MSAA Community
Hi my Neighbors. Pain..what it tells us...You are alive!

Thank you! I needed this today. I'm grieving the loss of an uncle who hasn't died yet, am dealing with an unknown stomach ailment, and have been trying to cope with extensive pain and discomfort that I'm blaming on our daily weather changes. I found myself sitting here reading a happy news article earlier today with tears running down my face. This forum always manages to cheer me up, and I just keep repeating "This too shall pass."
Thank you Jackie, pain comes in many different forms, shapes and sizes, mine at the moment is a broken heart, but I have hope, that one day I will be with my hubby in heaven, I just have to keep my eyes on Jesus. Blessings Jimeka 💜🙏🐾
jimeka, I feel the same way. I lost my mom two years ago and father twenty-four years ago and I am also keeping my eyes on Jesus to be with them once again. Keep Believing. 🙏🏾
jimeka , I think of you so often and how fortunate you were to have had such a wonderful marriage, and how you are missing him. I am frightened I may be in your shoes sooner, rather than later. My husband has multiple health issues and is having a heart cath on March 14. I don't know how I will survive. I just keep praying.
Thank you

We are never alone, jackiesj , you need to keep the faith. You are always in my prayers, along with many of you in this forum. Keep the faith!