good morning snowing cold my body has hard spasm . We hardly ever get snow and bam here it is . Sadly I keep the electric very low I dress in heavy sweats and all cotton pants . This months bill . I person all electric house . $900.73 . Seriously I laughed! Crying don’t work , my house is set at 56 . Being in bed will everything on . Cripes
freeszing in Colorado : good morning... - My MSAA Community
freeszing in Colorado

I am so sorry there has to be help an electric bill that high is out ragisous! Are you on disability? I am praying for you. Mary
i wonder if your state has payment assistance for electricity/heating.
I was wondering the same thing. My electric company in California offered discounted rates for people with MS. Just a short form for the doctor to sign and I got more electricity billed at the lowest tier price. Huge help because California electric prices were high. Luckily, my heater was gas so winter wasn't expensive. My electric company here in South Carolina doesn't have a program but my bill is never over $150 a month and everything runs on electricity, including the well to pump my water.
great idea I’m call them today. stay warm
that bill is insane! i hope you get warm and the spasms ease.
I am so sorry. Contact your electric company and ask them if they can help. You might also
check with your local Social Services office. Each of these places might be able to offer you help, and /or other resources you can contact. You have sacrificed enough. Ask for and accept help.
I’m so grateful for all these great ideas I’m putting to use today . Thank you I have noticed if I put a thin layer of almond oil or skin so soft . The wind and cold don’t hurt so bad . Thank you all
Stay warm 🥶

309Ygi, Check with local assistance programs and see if you can get help with your outrageous electric bill. Do you have a friend or family member you can bunk with for a few days to help you thaw out.
Meanwhile have you ever thought about gettìng yourself a Furry buddy 🐕🦺 to snuggle with and to wrap up in blankets with to help take the chill off of you? I have a pint size and she sure helps me. Fancy59.
I use to snow and know have ms and afraid of falling i dont like anymore. I cant image how blank blank if you are not use to it
Have you checked into LIHEAP (Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program)? Even people who aren't on other forms of government assistance may qualify, depending on their income level, assets, and health conditions. Unfortunately, it doesn't provide a lot towards electric heat (there's more money for oil/kerosene), but every little bit will help. Contact your local Public Assistance office, or go to your state's assistance website. The program only runs from November-March, so you're running out of time for this year.
It's been so cold out there in Colorado this winter! I found this on a Colorado-based website: "The Colorado LEAP program is federally funded. If you received your LEAP application in the mail, please use the return envelope included to submit your application. Otherwise, please contact 1-866-HEAT-HELP (1-866-432-8435) to find the address of your county contact." Here's the website. They offer various kinds of assistance: I'm so sorry you're having such a terrible time with those spasms. I hope the state will have some suggestions for you. Warm hugs!
thank you so much I got accepted
What reassuring news! I am so glad to hear this, Ygi!! Good - and very fast - work on your part ❤️. Heating and cooling are important to everyone, but those of us with MS can get really uncomfortable - and have very unpleasant symptoms - when it's too hot or too cold. I hope you'll be free of the spasms soon!
Wow ! That’s crazy $900. is wild but what do you do? My buddies house here in Idaho is all electric and his highest electric bill was $350. which I thought was crazy. Glad I have natural gas 🙏👍🏼😉🤗