I’ve been really cold having these sensations weird electric shocks that’s running from my neck to my chest down my arms . My arms are heavy anyone else experiencing this?
weird electrical sense in my neck throu... - My MSAA Community
weird electrical sense in my neck through my chest and down my arms .

It's called Lhermitte's sign and many PwMS have it. It can also be a part of some other conditions.
It has an ugly name too . Wow it’s a thing . I noticed when I cry this happens. But now I don’t have to cry it just happens. I have rrms And it lately has been getting worse like my legs don’t want to walk more spasms that curl my arms what’s pwms? Maybe you mis typed . Thank you I’m going to look this up . Scary feeling if you don’t know what is happening
Just read that Lhermitte's can be caused by a B12 deficiency as well, I learn something new on this forum every day! I did not know that Lhermitte's was what that was called!
I've having them on and off. It's almost like a tailtale for me that I'm doing too much and need to slow down.
Yes, Lhermitte's is quite common, but it only affected me for a short time and then it stopped.
I have Lhermitte's sign, and it goes down the back of my body. The sensations or shocks are stronger when tilting the neck down towards the chest. It's the same areas where I ended up developing spasticity years later.
I will also have a numb frozen sensation from the back of my head to the middle of my back and shoulders. It's bad enough to cause a shiver response. I have found that wearing a warm hat and using a heating pad helps. This usually happens when I am over tired or sick, and I will go to sleep for a few hours with my winter hat on, then wake up overheated but the constant chill is gone.
Hi I have not had those electric shocks that way I have had them across my back by my hips & down my left leg they cause me to jump when one hits. Never any warning just bam I feel like I got shot.